my cat

abelgianotaku @abelgianotaku
my cat
abelgianotaku @abelgianotaku
so today I walked on my kitten in the stairs ( not on purpose ! ) he had trouble breathing ,of course i ran to the vet and he is still there , there is 50% chance that he will die this night , I already lost cats but this time it is my fault i hate me so much , do you think that a 1 month old kitten can survive after being walked on ?

Gone_to_Arcadia @john_felix
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my cat
Gone_to_Arcadia @john_felix
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Whisp @whispywoods
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my cat
Whisp @whispywoods
Feels bad...

abelgianotaku @abelgianotaku
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my cat
abelgianotaku @abelgianotaku
i don't know if im fucking Lucky but my kitten is back and he as Nothing he his already playing with his brother i feel so releived ( sry for my English XD ) so guys if you make the same mistake dont give up sometimes kitten are fucking resistant ^_^ like the vet was saying that he had some kind of internal bleeding , and he survive anyway ^^
( btw you guys are so nice even my best friends don't care at all thx really .. )

Whisp @whispywoods
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my cat
Whisp @whispywoods
Good for the kitten, and good for you, so you won't die of guilt. :DDD

elhaym @elhaym
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my cat
elhaym @elhaym
I'm so glad that your cat is doing fine! It makes me cry to read your accident :c
I really know that feeling if your pet is hurt. One day, one of my cats had a big wound on his bottom leg and he was hiding in a box and didn't want to come out (my housemate told me that the doctor said he was attacked by another cat). I felt so worried in that time if he ever become well again. It hurt me so much to see him cautious.
Take care of your little kitten ^-^

neeto @neet_one
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my cat
neeto @neet_one
Seems like an honest accident. No sense in beating yourself up over it. Glad he's okay now.

s @megitsune
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s @megitsune
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115 @siruboo
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my cat
115 @siruboo
When i was little I shut a door on a kitten. It didn't get hurt I don't think. I forgot we had a bunch of kittens for a little bit then they were gone. I had a dog that got hit by a car when I was little. That sucked

abelgianotaku @abelgianotaku
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my cat
abelgianotaku @abelgianotaku
really thank you for your kindness everyone ^^
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