Is it important for you that your girlfriend/boyfriend is an otaku too?

zynatic95 @zynatic95
Is it important for you that your girlfriend/boyfriend is an otaku too?
zynatic95 @zynatic95
Is it important for you that your future girlfriend/boyfriend is an otaku too? If your answer is yes where do you try to find her/him?

s @megitsune
commented on
Is it important for you that your girlfriend/boyfriend is an otaku too?
s @megitsune
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CreativeSpaceCowboy @creativechibi
commented on
Is it important for you that your girlfriend/boyfriend is an otaku too?
CreativeSpaceCowboy @creativechibi
^^Same as megitsune. Also it would be nice if they had at least enough interest to be able to talk about it if I brought it up.

. @vezax
commented on
Is it important for you that your girlfriend/boyfriend is an otaku too?
. @vezax
Nope not important.. infact my ex was a normie, i tried to convert her into an otaku.. it worked still some extent but not completely. And yeah when she used to look down on animes (sometimes she just used to judge animes based on the first episode and totally talk crap about it eg. One time when i showed her steinsgate) we used to end up having a fight over it lol! But yeah it used to get solved pretty quickly and as a revenge i would forcefully show her that whole anime which she would end up liking by the end.

Kraft vas Si'yah @mkraft
commented on
Is it important for you that your girlfriend/boyfriend is an otaku too?
Kraft vas Si'yah @mkraft
Not important but I would prefer it as then they would know the depth of the hobby and could be respectfull of it. Also having common interests gives more avenues to talk things about. The person would also be more attuned to certain quirks that a otaku might have.
Finding someone like this. That is a difficult one. During university, being in a anime/manga club enabled some to meet up and it was a way for me to date with someone too (though it did not work out in the end).
Now though when I'm working and over 30 it's more challenging. Putting myself to certain sites like this hopefully might give a result (not in a rush). Might need to see alternatives though as I grow older and the feeling of being with someone grows stronger.

TE Anubis @timeenforceranubis
commented on
Is it important for you that your girlfriend/boyfriend is an otaku too?
TE Anubis @timeenforceranubis
She'd have to at least be open to the idea. A lot of what I do, both hobby-wise and professionally, is wrapped up in otaku culture. It'd be difficult for me to get with someone who has no interest in or an active disdain for otaku culture.

blissfullforce1818 @blissfullforce1818
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Is it important for you that your girlfriend/boyfriend is an otaku too?
blissfullforce1818 @blissfullforce1818
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Comodose @notewiz
commented on
Is it important for you that your girlfriend/boyfriend is an otaku too?
Comodose @notewiz
Nope. As long as their willing enough to watch a show with me every once in a while

xyouremofriendx @xyouremofriendx
commented on
Is it important for you that your girlfriend/boyfriend is an otaku too?
xyouremofriendx @xyouremofriendx
As long as there is enough other common interests no it doesn't matter.

Lead Dickhead. @hikki758
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Is it important for you that your girlfriend/boyfriend is an otaku too?
Lead Dickhead. @hikki758
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