I haven't had a Girl Friend ever

cameronson @cameronson
I haven't had a Girl Friend ever
cameronson @cameronson
My last girl friend was in middle school and it never got to serious I'm stuck on how to get girl or how to even act towards them.

yaasshat @yaasshat
commented on
I haven't had a Girl Friend ever
yaasshat @yaasshat
Like they're human. That's a good start.

Fox Witch (she/her/vixen) @vanessa86
commented on
I haven't had a Girl Friend ever
Fox Witch (she/her/vixen) @vanessa86
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SnakeePoo @solid_snake95
commented on
I haven't had a Girl Friend ever
SnakeePoo @solid_snake95
Well I just got some really good advice from someone I work with....the worst thing a girl can tell you is "no". Thats it. Just ask. Be confident in who you are. *Hypocritical of me to say. I know.*
Really though. Girls admire how brave a guy can be who just asks them straight up with no bs.

Ssendom @ssendom
commented on
I haven't had a Girl Friend ever
Ssendom @ssendom
I second what Solid Snake is saying. Honestly, people respond better to those who are confident in what they do. Now there is a fine line between confidence and cockiness... ANd I teeter on that line intentionally. Honestly, just walk up to them and just be comfortable talking in general. Really all it will come down to is a yes or no quesiton. Those that say no, are your stepping stones to that one that says yes. So anytime you get a no, thank them. They are not the one for you, and that is a blessing in disguise.

yaasshat @yaasshat
commented on
I haven't had a Girl Friend ever
yaasshat @yaasshat
I would only second what snake is saying *IF* you're at the point of wanting to ask a woman out. What you don't want to do is come off as desperate, needy or as if you have ulterior motives. Talk naturally, have confidence (or fake it until you make it) and start of with getting comfortable with the idea of being friendly, before you try to be flirty. Again, women aren't some sort of foreign species. Don't get stuck on the idea that you MUST have a romantic interest.

Fox Witch (she/her/vixen) @vanessa86
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I haven't had a Girl Friend ever
Fox Witch (she/her/vixen) @vanessa86
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Cero @cero
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I haven't had a Girl Friend ever
Cero @cero
This account has been suspended.

Anna senpai~ @winterangel
commented on
I haven't had a Girl Friend ever
Anna senpai~ @winterangel
^ lol

ceresbane @ceresbane
commented on
I haven't had a Girl Friend ever
ceresbane @ceresbane
Anna... your agreement leads me to suspect a possible similar experience...
Have you actually gone out and asked a bunch of girls out?
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