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yaasshat @yaasshat commented on Vent
Jan 07, 23 at 7:02pm
I feel like it's one of those things that he'll understand as he gets older. I truly don't believe he really understood exactly what he was saying due to the context of the situation. I've just been stressing with a lot of shit and this kind of hit me a bit. Honestly, I want to talk to his pediatrician and see what they think as far as communication, since he can't quite say exactly how he feels. He's a Mama's boy and I've actually grown quite used to that and I honestly take no true offense, I just want to understand why. This isn't the first time time he's fought to be with his mom and I just want to know what I can do. I don't expect anyone on here to know, but it's a vent none the less.
Well if I had to take a guess it's that most children that age have a bond with their mother instinctually. It probably won't be as strong the closer to adulthood he gets. Also because from your son's point of view he feels he has to make a choice even more so since his mom and you are separated. He doesn't have the full understanding of why that is, but I'm assuming that it's probably influencing how he feels.
yaasshat @yaasshat commented on Vent
Jan 07, 23 at 7:44pm
Amongst many other factors and I agree. Believe me, I've more than thought about this situation for over three years and I know a thing or two.lol However, I don't think he can quite articulate how or why he feels the way he does, hence needing to talking to his pediatrician first.
Jan 07, 23 at 9:20pm
@yaasshat He might remember saying that down the road. I wouldn't hold him to it now though. He might have said it not thinking about your feelings at all, but his own. He might be acting this way now because he does reside with his mother and doesn't see you as a parent. It will change as he gets older and starts to take your feelings into account. Kids say the darndest things, and what not. I remember very little things from when I was 5, but when I was about 7 I did say some savory things I recall now thinking I was cruel. It's because I didn't have much awareness of others or how I was behaving. Those things come with time. I'm sure you know all this, but just don't sweat it. He's too small I think to understand the weight of his words.
115 @siruboo commented on Vent
Jan 07, 23 at 9:59pm
i feel dirty. i was telling a ugly girl through text to fuck me. it is funny, ive never been on a date. i was drunk. i was thinking today hoy like 40 girls i tryed to say hi to and it was not great. most were guys and fat girls. my depression times very desperate. then i thought maybe humans dont go together. the last few years everyone says hows you and yours? everyone is always with someone. when im like i like pussy im the dirty ugly nasty guy at almost 40 that has tried too much. my friends that turned into people that said they will grow up to be teachers or something, then now i cant talk to them on fb. too rich or dad sweater vest bro now. just waiting to die so im not posting on forums.
yaasshat @yaasshat commented on Vent
Jan 07, 23 at 10:51pm
@verucassault He "resides" with both of us and usually quite an equal amount of time. The difference is, I get on him more often and try to correct him. His mom? Not as much. He's had a ton of change in a short amount of time, my girlfriend moved in at the beginning of last year, he started pre-k, he no longer sleeps in my bed, his sister was born...etc But, yes. I don't think he understands the weight of words, but I made sure to let him know that what he said should make him feel uncomfortable and not good. Pretty sure it's a moment he won't soon forget.
Jan 07, 23 at 10:58pm
@yaasshat Oh my bad. I thought you had said he was choosing to stay with her more. Yeah, being the disciplinarian a tough gig.
115 @siruboo commented on Vent
Jan 08, 23 at 12:19am
To be fair I've always been a inventer. All my attention has gone to that. Even if it's inventing shitty things. Buts it's the things that pushes a few people forward and who knows maybe 100 people I inspire.
yaasshat @yaasshat commented on Vent
Jan 11, 23 at 6:58pm
4 yr old is falling asleep and now his sister (Almost four months old.) decides she'd like to wake up and fuss... Well Played Paige, well played.
Sobo275 @sobo275 commented on Vent
Jan 27, 23 at 9:47pm
I had some bad stuff happen today, but I had a great week at work so I guess shit works out.
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