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Out of curiosity why should i as a gamer & as a otaku get a girlfriend/or get marry

I'm just wondering and i admit at first i was not going to ask and i thought what the heck and ask because it's like this you give her attention she sees you as too nice but don't giver her attention she hates it & she loves you but she stays anyway I'm just wondering why should i. She'll more likely try to change us gamers & otaku from being a gamer & a otaku to a hot regular none-gamer & none-otaku stud sorry if i sound harsh i just don't see why should i & why should i sacrifice my collection to get a girlfriend/or get a wife. Sorry if i sound harsh and I'm not generalizing I'm just wondering and if this question is too far or not allowed to be asked then please feel free to delete or remove it I'm only asking out of curiosity and if you do answer this question then please feel free to share your thoughts of relationships and marriage as a gamer & as a otaku.
Either do it or don't. If you don't see the value in human interaction (in the sense of getting a girlfriend/marrying) then why should you sacrifice something seemingly precious to you. If your collection is more important then power to you and stick to your virtual guns. Ultimately its your life. As long as you can shout it from the rooftops that your waifu is #1 and 2D > 3D then whats the problem? Just don't get one. What irks me is people complaining that they don't have anyone but the reason behind it is you value something else more than human interaction. Thats all fine and dandy but don't whine about it. It's your perspective. So you do you and your 2D. If you really want to marry then mayhe be more open. Maybe find someone with similar interests and stop shouting that "mai waifu is the the only one for me".
what you need to do is https://pics.onsizzle.com/Instagram-Balance-luck-4e2689.png
@cloud87 What you are doing is actually the definition of generalizing ("To render indefinite or unspecific.") You are implying that every girl will want you to stop gaming and throw away your collection. The truth of the matter is that (not unlike boobs) every girl is different. Sure, you shouldn't sacrifice something if you don't want to, but your premise that it is an either/or situation is not true. One of my female friends has an otaku gamer bf and when he plays Dark Souls with a lvl 1 character without armour or weapons and defeats a boss, she gets passionately horny. This proves that there are girls that fall for otaku gamers. You might say that this is an exception to the rule (which I think isn't the case), but if there's one exception there are bound to be more, so you should try your hardest to find one. Still, I don't want to tell you what to do. Giving up on love and game and be an anime fan without a gf is also a valid option. Just trying to make clear that you shouldn't have to choose between a girl and being an otaku gamer. As a meme once eloquently put it: "Why not both?"
Every woman really is different. There are women who love video games. However women do require attention from you so you gotta remember that when you are trying for that 30 online matches in a row on a livestream. A relationship is a give and take process mate. Yes I agree to some degree with your statements, but video games are not everything. Not trying to say you do that or anything. I am trying to tell the truth. I play video games too, but I don't dedicate all of my free time to them. Women do like to know if the man they want to spend their lives with actually has a life worth sharing. I am sure you will find someone who will actually want to play video games with you and go do stuff irl. It's all about balance.
Another thing. When in a relationship no one wants to be coddled. So you gotta give each other space from time to time. Everyone needs time to breath from time to time. It's okay to be affectionate. Just don't spam them messages every minute of the day. That also makes them think that you are not doing anything worthwhile with your daily life since you are spending all your time messaging them. It turns them off. Unless they like guys who stay home all day doing nothing productive. Edit: I mean they do like it when guys they like message them right away everyday. Its actually much more confusing putting all of this into words and logic.
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