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Lamby's moth mommy @horrormanga21
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Lamby's moth mommy @horrormanga21
I haven't finished attack on titan I'm on episode 18 season 1 I think >w<

Tamamo_no_mae @ordinary_magician
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Tamamo_no_mae @ordinary_magician
This account has been suspended.

Tamamo_no_mae @ordinary_magician
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Tamamo_no_mae @ordinary_magician
This account has been suspended.
Wtf why I can't respond to my own posts,others posts & send a visit messages to others do I need to upgrade?

cloud87 @cloud87
Wtf why I can't respond to my own posts,others posts & send a visit messages to others do I need to upgrade?
cloud87 @cloud87
I'm asking all of you because I can't respond to my own posts,to other people posts on here & I can't even send a visit messages to other peoples on here like last time do I need to upgrade?
If so oh well & a side message to all of my friends on here don't worry I'm doing awesome as always so far thanks for answering me & so far I noticed it & noticed a glitch of checking your messages if any of you noticed or is it when you come on here on your PlayStation 4 :).
Fellow otakus when us otakus ever be safe from SJWs scums & feminists scums i.e pushing & promoting their agendas

cloud87 @cloud87
Fellow otakus when us otakus ever be safe from SJWs scums & feminists scums i.e pushing & promoting their agendas
cloud87 @cloud87
I mean motherfucking SJWs pushing & promoting their agendas by using sailor moon 1 example is selling sailor moon condoms damn it fucking sailor moon condoms.
SJWs & feminists hate us otakus,gamers,final fantasy fan/huge fans,Hentai fans & attack what we love & now SJWs & feminists are using what we love to pushing & promoting their motherfucking agendas the fuck.
If you understand my concerns the fucking hell I admit that I'm starting to wonder when us otakus ever be safe from SJWs scums & feminists scums SJWs & feminists leave us otakus the fuck alone & SJWs & feminists leave what we love the fuck alone.
If you understand my concerns,what I mean & if you fellow otakus noticed too as well then you can see what I mean & understand why am I asking &/or if you fellow otakus think wtf if you fellow otakus noticed or when & if you find out/found out too as well thinking wtf.
Thanks for reading,thanks for your understanding,thanks for your time & thanks for your answers feel free to share your concerns & this question+rant if you fellow otakus want to thanks