Food Porn!
Holly Mommy ® @wei_ying
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Food Porn!
Holly Mommy ® @wei_ying
My sisters and I finished the Gingerbread House. It's our first time properly decorating one XD, a couple years ago was the first time we had one...and me and my other siblings sabotaged our eldest sister by eating and tasting all the candies as she was trying to work with them XD. We finished it this time though!
Our mom and dad are being biased and calling it "the most beautifully decorated ginger house ever", parent goggles I guess? I didn't do much but watch, especially as my big sisters are much more creative than me, I let them handle the decorations and I got the front of the house's snowflake placements.
(Edit: most pics look less blurry if you click on them ^^)
Rain @rainx
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Food Porn!
Rain @rainx
Xelbraig @gabriel_true
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Food Porn!
Xelbraig @gabriel_true
毛球先生 @joemama711
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Food Porn!
毛球先生 @joemama711
I made some Greek style sardines, honestly pretty good cheap and easy. I don't even like fish or the fishy taste/ texture and I couldn't tell. Next time gonna try it with pasta or rice, I can't eat them straight out the can e.e
Xelbraig @gabriel_true
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Food Porn!
Xelbraig @gabriel_true
Rain @rainx
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Food Porn!
Rain @rainx
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