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Women approaching men

Nov 18, 16 at 8:46pm
Lol I don't mind sending a picture of myself to people if they just ask and I know them well enough, you can confirm that from quite a bit of people on here actually. @Sanfi That's the exact reason I've chosen Greek mythology for this kinda stuff. You know, Elysian Fields would be something that's for the person who made the plan or perhaps even slain somebody such as Hitler, Osama bin Laden, or even the leader of ISIS whoever that might be in the world....yes I said in the world cuz profit of war is the best ain't I right duh? -_-' But for ordinary people that have done nothing bad or good, there's something called Asphodel Meadows. That is where the dead souls just simply wander and think for the rest of eternity. It's not hell, but it ain't really a paradise, kinda like the Christian purgatory of sorts. Guess an idea like that would encourage people to be at least a bit nicer to each other, though I'm not the best example....I'm the living definition of an asshole. So don't ever try to learn from me. Dun wanna meet any of you in hell. :P
This is getting stupid; this isnt the random thread. Shows over, move it back over there.
Yeah lol I am actually going to break my old record at this rate. Ha ha! XD
Nov 19, 16 at 3:19am
@Luna That's a nicer thought. It makes this life a little more worthwhile. Still, the eternity part is a bit much for me. Reincarnation might be more something for me.
Sanfi, enough. This thread is finished, take further conversation elsewhere. Random banter is not needed to further bump this thread.
Nov 19, 16 at 5:42am
@Cloud I'm not trying to be a dick or a troll or anything, but why does it matter what we put here? The thread has derailed long ago and it's just a place were people have convos now. It's become a kind of last post wins, but for more intellectual convos than just random memes and what not. It's not like we're going to upset the owner of this thread, because he got banned ages ago
Come on now does it really matter that people are still chatting on here? What is it with people on this site recently. People need to chill out and stop being so serious over such trivial things.
Nov 19, 16 at 7:51am
Tbh maybe it's better to not use the original topic of this. It seems like one of those dangerous shitstorm inducing things, where even the slightest difference in opinion could let it rip lol.
It seems like most threads are ending up that way nowadays. I remember when this site was some what fun and not full of hostile people who feel like they have to prove something. I miss truth or dare with Max and when conversations were light hearted and funny.
Because this is the {Relationship Advice} thread, and we have more than enough random sub threads everywhere around here. The thread has a lot of sensitive subjects posted within, as well as peoples personal information, not to mention a fuck ton of fighting; the more this thread gets bumped, the higher the chance it will rekindle somewhere/somehow. Now again, last time: Enough here.
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