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Women approaching men

Nov 18, 16 at 6:48pm
Well I would choose burning instead of that myself tbh. What's the matter though? Are you afraid that you've been a bad boy, and won't get into Elysian Fields that's supposed to be reserved for the heroes of the world? :P http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_puxnz7-FIcQ/S4rSFevHpNI/AAAAAAAAAks/1VuLTihD5Dw/w1200-h630-p-nu/elysium.jpg
Nov 18, 16 at 6:50pm
@Panda That's exactly what I'm afraid of.... *sweatdrop*
Nov 18, 16 at 6:53pm
@Luna I believe I'd make a fair chance to get into the nice place, but it frightens me regardless. My whole youth I have had to come to terms with existing, just being. Now I finally see use in my life. Believing this to be some kind of test to go into heaven is a horrible thought to me. It makes all of this pointless. This will all nolonger matter when you spend an eternity in heaven. That would mean that as long as you live an average life and don't do anything bad, you'll get a spot in eternity. Doesn't that frighten any of you? It makes me feel like I don't even need to be the best version of myself and don't really need to try so hard becoming happy. As long as I don't fuck up, I'll get into heaven? That's the most demotivating thing you could say to me. Just being/existing for an eternity puts me off
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@loli you might be out of luck XD i dont think he is handing out pics of himself
This forum thread is all kinds of fucked because of yesterday. Let's try to get this back on topic
@0megablaster Don't end the weird indulge in it, it's glorious :D
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I've seen pics of Luna before, he just very rarely posts them.
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