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Women approaching men

Nov 17, 16 at 6:44pm
Im gonna go grab some dinner but keep it up guys!
Buuuut asshat I could turn this dogpile into a pure dumpster fire warzone of making kids cringe and shiiit
Man now I want an eggroll Ron...
I came back just to see MO burn :D https://cdn0.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/4310329/gjDRDI5.0.gif
im not taking anyone's side either XD this is just funny to watch
Nov 17, 16 at 6:45pm
Kasandra, If you're an outsider, why not observe instead of getting emotions involved for people you don't know. Hell, I don't "know" any of these fools, but I won't insult them on a personal level if I were to bring my drama out for them to see. It's not their fault, nor there business. Yet, you're making it their business and guaranteeing yourself to be alienated here. But, you know, you don't care...Because, arguing and insulting really shows you don't care. /s
Nov 17, 16 at 6:47pm
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@Kassandra I'm on no ones side. I'm just inputting whatever. And I honestly know no one that well here anyway. Except one or two in PM. XD
Nov 17, 16 at 6:48pm
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