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Women approaching men

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You feel secure with yourself? Hardly, what I have seen so far is more likely to be feeling Superior compared to everybody else which I have seen numerous times and usually follows a certain kind of stuck up/ shot in the ass with themselves kind of person. Usually it the stupid jock in high school or something equivalent. I mean for starters let's take a look at why you joined this website. You doing it to spite somebody and you actually don't really like a single thing this website stands for or any of the content Within so what does that say about your personality?
"You're all autistic weebs..." - Kassandra, 2016. http://static4.fjcdn.com/comments/Salt+levels+off+the+charts+_cec1356d97fc02cd7c4ca786e0e2a77f.jpg
If youre trying to toy with the weak flakes for being weak....youre so doing it wrong *rolls eyes*
@kawaii This is really fun to watch isn't it? Want some popcorn?
Nov 17, 16 at 6:50pm
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Nov 17, 16 at 6:51pm
Im guessing she's a troll. I mean, this makes absolutely no sense otherwise. I still don't hate her, she has a certain spunk that adds entertainment. But, these middle school insults are just mind numbing... Surely she can do better than " autistic weebs". Who says that as an adult and thinks it's a clever insult?
Nov 17, 16 at 6:51pm
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Lol, please, Kassandra, enlighten me, what is it exactly the things you say 'normal' people do to fit into your own cathegory of approachable people?
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