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Why do girls always friend zone nice guys

Nobody is talking about your fiancee, Asshat <3 Yet, going through courses, through work, etc. yes, you're right. You run into a lot of "girls" and not "women". Same in the reverse; "boys" and not "men". Douches also help get rid of any nasty juices left behind, which can cause infections, so for whom it helps can have them.
FYI Douches screw with PH. The body is well equipped to get rid of "juices". Blah blah blah... Making something serious that's not, yaasshat...blah.;P And in other news... I know, jiko. I know. I just hate blanket statements.
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I object to many of said things here. I'm going to completely honest. 1.Nice guy=garbage. All these guys talk about "nice guys finish last." Most of you "sex or relationship" seeking assholes are not nice to everyone. I'll try to be your friend and you won't even give a the time because I don't have a vag. Like no, if you're not nice to everyone then you can't use that term. 2. Who are you aiming for? The really hot/popular girl is going to friendzone you regardless. If you don't have money, looks, a huge dick(8inch or above), muscles, or you are a celebrity then she doesn't want you. The question is how are you going to contribute to her status? 3. Take a look at yourself truthfully. Where do you stand on things? What's your status? 4. Look if you really want to date popular pretty girl , you're going to need good acting skills and a Charisma of 10. If you don't know how to manipulate people into a relationship then don't bother. Yes, that sounds bad but I've watched how seductive females and douche bag males hook people like a fish. Learn to play the game(if sex, a relationship or something shallow is what you want) or don't play/bitch & complain about being rejected. Overall that nice guy thing is a load of crap. So stop being mielsh<3
Asshat, All women aren't made equally. Some bodies can't do that themselves! For example, I was living with my ex and her body was prone to infections due to WBC count, thus necessary! :p I still don't know who Ed's originally commenting to. Seems like a good guy, though. Smile's pretty much got it down in words that I can only think with the hampster on the wheel.
Jiko, Shall we argue or debate about things we (me and I assume you...) won't ever use ourselves? ;P hmmm... We could use a feminine hygiene thread. Nah, I'll just put this penny on the tracks instead.
wert went off on this thread lol
If we put it back on track, theres gonna be a lot of QQing and Pew Pewing... Nobody wants that.
Bruh, this thread has essentially been beaten to death. What needed to be said, has and now it's just basic rehashing. But, we won't go full retard just yet.(No offense ment by what can be taken as a derogatory term.)
@Panda-Kun I'm calm:) http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m783i3FiOA1rxc156o1_500.gif Jk jk lol I'm relaxed. This topic is just overdone now. Like Yasshat said.
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