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Why do girls always friend zone nice guys

There are 2 types of people in this world. There are sharks and there are minnows. There is a prey and predator. There is submissive and dominant. If you truly want something then you're going to have to be a shark, predator, or dominant type of person. Not trying to bash anyone but learn how to hunt. Question is are you a shark or a minnow?
or learn how to get a job? im still learning that, hunting is esier but your killing a animal and that will make you feel bad. I think everyone is dominant, its human
You're over-generalising. Not every girl friendzones the so called "nice guys" - a part of it is down to the girl but a large part is up to the guy as well. From my experiences in my awkward teen years; it came down to a lack of self-confidence, the desire to conform to what girls like in a guy and being a bit of a pansy and waiting on the girl to notice me as someone I'm not rather than making them notice me for someone I am. I was all of those and while it's embarrassing as hell, I don't regret that part of myself because it helped me learn where I was going wrong. Trying to be a nice guy that girls will adore will actually have the opposite effect; it just makes you look stale, boring, static and not much fun in their eyes. But being yourself, even if you have noticeable flaws like I do is way better because it's a display of self-confidence and girls can take you for who you are - It gives the impression that you're not solely trying to impress by being someone you're not. I'll straight up say that girls LOVE guys who are dominant - guys who are physically confident and will show that they fight for what they want and that has a huge effect on a woman's perception of that guy because girls love to feel important and wanted and if a guy is actively fighting for her love then he's obviously going to win her over whereas the one who's just sitting there, hoping and praying she notices will always lose. When you think about that, it's no wonder that the "bad boys" always get the girl - it's because the girl feels wanted and there's a lot of excitement in that but of course most of these people turn out to be total assholes and it's a matter of time before they figure that out and dumps him. That's why adopting those traits that women love in a dominant man while avoiding the bad ones that "bad boys" have will go a long way. Being a dominant guy whilst still being your kind and caring self makes you a good guy - a guy who's good for women; someone who girls can get excited about while feeling genuinely loved by at the same time. Of course doing all of that isn't the be all and end all, like I said a good bit still comes down to the girl herself. You could be the most honest, kindest and most dominant guy around but if she ain't into you then she ain't into you - at that point, just know that you gave it an honest go and move on and look for someone else who can appreciate you for who you are. It ultimately comes down to you, what you want and showing that girl you genuinely want to be with her and if she feels the same way then great and if not, then there's someone else out there who will. At least that's what I learned from my experiences when it comes to girls, relationships and all that stuff.
Sheesh... Talk about beating a dead horse. This is mildly entertaining at least. There's finger pointing galore, with a twist of panty. It's almost as if people are taking things personally instead of thinking and discussing like rational adults. A few here want to defend the stance of "Owed for being nice" and a few want to defend the stance of "Owed nothing, no matter who YOU think you are.". Guess what? Some nice people will die alone and some will get the girl/guy. But at the end of it all, life doesn't even owe you the air you breath. Just relax, enjoy the fact that you're alive and strive to use that life to better someone, even if it's just yourself. Don't worry, be happy. Besides, worry is rather pointless when it comes to things that you have no control over.
Ew yuck, more a man has to be "this". I agree just be happy. There's 7 billion people on this planet. No need to rush. Well irrelevant gif time http://67.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m7mdq0gcZx1rc0vq2o1_400.gif
damn is this thread blowing up... I think at the end of the day honestly just don't care, stop trying to please others and just focus on yourself. I know it sounds cheesy, its annoying, its human nature to give/receive affection, the desire to belong and love/to be loved, but you gotta stop stressing about it. Just do your own thing, build yourself from the ground up as the man you envision yourself to be, and hopefully some one along the lines will take note of your hard work and characteristics, and desire you for whom you truly are in your natural state of nature. I'm sure it works the other way around, i've heard from some friends complain about why guys ignore "nice" girls and go for the pretentious bitchy chick caked out in make up in the club.
All I see is wall of text here. Funny shit, but people are fucking stupid.
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