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7年弱 ago
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@ Ohnoes Don't get me wrong sure maybe tons of women are throwing themselves at you left and right thats cool but on behalf of the male population thats most often not the case. Not sure how its a cop out when its all the men doing the approaching but thanks for your experience but its just anecdotal, doesn't sound like much validity... @ Muffin lol middle east? What are you on to? Western men are far from chivalrous if that's what you're trying to say. While its true many are afraid of cold approaching in fear of getting a nasty reaction from a politically correct feminist at the end of the day its not like they're going to make a move, thus men still inclined to make the approach. And Western men are by far some of the most bitter when faced with rejection, its part of the reason communities such as TRP and MGTOW exist so no Its not "rare". Doesn't seem like you understood anything i said. Its all scientific with plenty of evidence, men are not brainwashed, but their neural pathways and what they associate them with is whats getting screwed with. Take an invention and try using it for anything but its purpose. It might still get the job done, but thats still not what it was intended for. But eventually you won't care because it still works, so thus you will never truly use it for its intended purpose. I think you guys are reading too far in to the "brain wash" thing. The fact of the matter is that at its most basic level, the brain and neural pathways are beyond easily manipulated. All i'm trying to say is that everyone is perverted and thats fine, we all have a biological instinct to have sex, no problem. But the degree in which men are considered perverted is not normal. A large reason being that we have a constant influx of external factors like Porn, hentai, PlayBoy magazines, Instagram etc. which are making it far to easy and accessible to pleasure yourself. This excess amount of pleasure will only condition you to want it more, just like 1 cup of coffee is not enough to wake you up, eventually it will be 2 or 3 etc. This feeling of "never enough" is what contributes to men and this large generalization that all men are perverts or creepy or just only want women for sex. Men have a lot of other better things to do with their life than gawk at women all day. Work, family life, personal life, watching anime etc. But they are losing self-control. Sex addiction is related to the addiction model and is no different than any other. Its just to release that Dopamine in your brain and pleasure yourself. So my final answer no not all men are "Truly" perverts. But this constant stress of sexualizing society and thinking its normal creates a constant need to relieve yourself from this stress, and thus men become more perverted than they intend to be. Both men and women are perverts. But why is it only men that are regarded as perverts and women as pure or less shallow. Thats non sense, women can be very perverted and shallow. But its primarily men that are targeted by the sex industry more than women, thus men are generally regarded as perverted.
@ John, Yes to a certain extent it has built up a resistance movement, but only after in realizing how toxic mass media can be in terms of sexualizing society for example "NoFap". Unfortunately, no the brain does not filter or reject the content. In fact, it feeds further on it, thus resulting in an addiction by using neruoplasticity to re-program your brain and associating reward with sexual content. In other words, people are teaching and conditioning themselves to become addicted due to having their brain hijacked. Religious or moral reasons have nothing to do with it, this is pure science. Only recently researchers have been taking this seriously because the rate of escalation in terms of advertising junk has increased so drastically they can't keep up. @ ohnoes, I advise you go back and re-read my post, it seems that you have misunderstood what i said. I gave a clear un-biased view, men have been chasing women since the beginning of time. The day women approach men is the day pigs fly. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to know that, its a simple fact. Its the reason why men ask the girl out, why they pay for the bill, why they pay for the valentines day gift, why they pay for the ring. Don't believe me? Go look up any YouTube social experiment, interviews, dating site statistics and even look at the comments section below and it will tell you the answer as clear as day. So no... not "easy is easy". Men will always be at a disadvantage, men are the chasers and women are the choosers. "it seems, from birth, that they must only think with thiere dick." Which is what i said, men are being forcefully enslaved and reprogrammed to think of women as a sexual object and to act impulsively on their desires which is wrong, because to indulge in your desires they will consume you till there is nothing left of you, resulting in addiction and lack of self-ownership which many men suffer today and its getting worse. More and more younger men are already ruining their lives but not necessarily at their own will, they are being conditioned and forced to think this way. Women can be extremely perverse...just look at that 50 shades of Gray garbage, but look at it seriously. Literally millions of women went out to buy those books and watch a film of some millionaire CEO tie up a woman and have weird bondage sessions (what i understand from the trailer). Its literally legalized pornography with the amount of nudity going on in that film. But i have to disagree with you that women are not at an advantage. They are significantly at an advantage in many social settings. A woman can single handedly manipulate millions of men, just look at instagram. Just look at one picture of wearing zero to nothing or "twerking" and millions of people flock to it. Women with their sexuality alone have way more social power because of the way people are conditioned to think by getting their biological desires hijacked for all the wrong reasons. Its also deemed for whatever odd reason that its socially unacceptable or looks desperate if a woman were to ask out a man, so again men are and will be for who knows how long at a significant disadvantage. Being a guy in this day and age is like walking through a candy store and being told you can't have any. Then your desire to have the candy grows stronger and you become further obsessed aka "perverted" or bitter and resent the candy like some men hate women because they don't acknowledge them and become bitter, or both. All as a result of institutions trying to make a capital gain off of the misery of others. Men forever will be told you have to do the chasing and women will be told you get to pick and choose otherwise millions of $$$ would be lost out on all those diamond rings or 50 shades of Gray books etc. Flipping your hair or giving "the look" or a smile is not chasing... Advertising is toxic in general. Sorry didn't mean to write an essay but just lots of things to consider in this post. I'm not saying women don't ask out men, i'm sure there are some that do but no where near in comparison to men, and its more apparent in non-western cultures.
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