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Why do girls always friend zone nice guys

So somebody necrobumped this thread? There should be a bar that goes across after a length of time that shows its a necrobump. ;-;
@ smile I am not just kind to females...I am kind to most everyone. yes I did join this site looking for a potential girlfriend...but that is because it is a dating site. @jiko I do agree I could do with taking more risks. But my past experiences have made me much more cautious about said risks ( mostly because they are taken and I look like an idiot) so I like to try to *feel out* the girl before telling her.
Oh definitely, dont go up to a girl off the bat and be all "Hey baby. Lets go out" or whatnot. Get to know the girl first! Probably best advice though is to look towards women, like smile, to give the best advice on how/when to talk to a girl. Every girl is different, but it might give you a better idea on things
It's amazing to me how many wonderful and impressive women that make your heart throb... date (insert your favorite swear word) jerks. A lot of women like a challenge. Nice guys are not challenging thus are not worth the effort. Nice guy's hearts are on a silver platter ready to serve = boring. But a jerk on the other hand... women believe they can "change him" and rise up to the challenge. Just make it very clear from the start that you are interested in them romantically. If that doesn't work, then act like a jerk. (Kidding on that last part.)
If i am being honest here..There is no such thing as a "Friend Zone" To simply put- If A girl does not like you in that manner..she does not like you in that manner.
The same can be said for guys who "friend zone" girls. It's not just one sided.
First of all, actual nice guys don't do nice things and expect something in return. Girls don't owe you anything just because you're nice to them, especially not a relationship or even a single date. You need to remember that girls are people too. They have their own likes and dislikes. Do you like every girl you see? Probably not. There are some girls you'll find attractive and some you won't. It's the same thing with women. Maybe the reason you're being "friend zoned" is that you're talking to the wrong girls. If a girl you like only sees you as a friend, just be happy that you're at least friends. If she's not into you, then she's not into you. The best thing you can do is try to make yourself more attractive and move on to other girls.
Let me get my man, Buckley, to explain it better. https://youtu.be/I-3cu46Dcvw
I agree with error1, Jiko, and GunvoltX. Some girls just aren't going to be into you. Life isn't some RPG where you can make someone like you by being nice and giving gifts until they want to fuck you. Being attractive helps, but being interesting to them is an absolute must. Also, there's tons of girls out there doing nice things for guys they like, but are turned away because there's no attraction; you don't hear too many people crying for them though.
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