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Why do girls always friend zone nice guys

@shytaku thank you for your brutal analysis of my profile, I did not realize I had duplicate of pictures on my page.* I really didn't know* I also apologize for the typos on my page, I have been using my phone and I don't always see the errors before I post them. For your information, the deffenition of dapper is dap·per ˈdapər/ adjective (typically of a man) neat and trim in dress, appearance, or bearing. But yes, I should start shaving more then every other day As for the things like *I'm not really sure what to put here* I am new to dating sites so I don't know what information I should be putting there. As for my lack of going to conventions, I have been helping support a house of 7 people were the primary financial provider is out of work throughout most of doing and summer, so the money I save up to use for conventions gets spent on bills because family needs come before hobbies. As for my *I have done a little cosplaying* if I said I was a cosplayer, it would be taken to to opposite extreme of the spectrum. But thank you for pointing out all of the flaws of what I do and who I am.
Hey Dan, I should be thanking YOU for reading all that text! Just note that it's only an opinion and ultimately your choice in the end. Just to counter some of the points you've mentioned: I know it's difficult to spell-check on a phone (trust me, I hate it!) but you gotta do what you gotta do. Think of this as a job interview: you only display your top qualities. You wouldn't list things you're "kinda" good at, nor would you use comic-sans as your font. So why leave mistakes on a profile that represent YOU? It implies... okay no more implications (#WOMP) but you get my point. Your profile depicts who YOU are and you have good qualities from what I've read (aka helping support a house of 7. Now THAT is a very desirable trait! Not many people can do that y'know!) But how do we incorporate that family-man/loving side to your profile? Does your profile scream "I'm a family man who supports a house of 7"?... no, it doesn't. THAT'S YOUR NEXT TASK!!! But don't make it too blatant. We want to ease it in, preferably with your hobbies. Not wanting to be associated with extreme cosplayers is totally understandable, but you still wrote about cosplay, meaning it's still important to you (and you have pictures to prove it). You wrote about cons, too, which also proves its importance. The point being you depicted these hobbies as "meh" or "Yeah I kinda do that I guess." Don't write "I rarely go to cons." Write "I've been to ONE con and had an absolute blast! I'd love to attend more but supporting a house of 7 makes it difficult. Having said that, I'd love to meet someone who'd enjoy going to cons with me. I've even dabbed in cosplay once or twice, so if you're into that I'll join in too!" I kinda write weirdly so you don't need that many exclamations, but you get the gist. In short: NO: "I haven't been to a con in 4 years" YES: "I absolutely love cons, but I haven't been to one in 4 years" SEE THE DIFFERENCE?!?!?! The first is like "Oh I guess he doesn't like cons" but the second is more "You haven't been to a con in THAT LONG?!?! I'LL GO WITH YOU!!!" SEE?!?!?! A DIFFERENCE!!! Side note: Just like the definition states, dapper is more of an overall package, not just dress. So someone wearing nicely pressed clothes wouldn't have an uneven shave (that's what I noticed in your first pic... just sayin'!) Also, YOU STILL HAVEN'T CAPITALIZED THE D IN DAPPER AND M IN MAN!!! (#WOMP)
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@emperor yeah but that's can happen to anyone. Lord knows I've been rejected before because I didn't tick off all the check boxes for some guy's dream list. And I think a lot of those guys still haven't grown out of it....
Well, then I guess I got lucky or my fiancee is not a woman...I guess there are some awkward questions to ask now. I mean, the theme seems to be here "women", which is to say, they're all the same. Let me tell you, they most certainly are not all alike nor do they all want the same kind of man (if they want one at all). I might've just gotten lucky and slipped through the cracks. /s
Because they can. Stop enabling them and stand up for yourself.
There is no such thing as being friend zoned. There are only people who feel entitled to love and sex and pout when they don't get it. If a girl offers you friedship, it is not a consolation prize. You don't put "nice guy" coins in girls until you collect a reward.
You aren't owed shit and you don't owe her shit. She knows you want to fuck her she just doesn't want to fuck you. Move on. Go to the gym. Buy some new clothes. Get a hobby. Be interesting. Be someone who makes her life better and don't bother with her if she doesn't do the same for you. Being a respectful person is a common thing. You're "nice" so the hell what? Most people she'll meet are nice to her especially if she's pretty. What do you offer her? It does not have to be stuff. Do you look nice? smell nice? Are you well kept? Do you have any talents? Are you funny? There is a lot a man can offer besides things. And if you say "I do this and that for her" then I hope it's just out of the goodness of your heart because as stated you are not owed shit from her and do not owe her shit. If you don't like it then move on and find a girl who gives you what you want. And when you do you probably won't need to do a bunch of stuff for her anyway. Women love sex too. If her affection required you doing favors then she probably was not worth it anyway. Put it this way. If you're at a restaurant then do you stay just because the food won't kill you? Or the chefs didn't mess with it? No, that's the bare minimum. You'd pick a place that looked nice, was entertaining, or had nice meals. Guess what? You are that restaurant. If she decides not to eat there big deal find someone that will. Also friends are a good thing. This world has a lot of crazy crappy people in it so if you met a normal one that wants to be with you don't complain just because it's in a platonic way.
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