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How attentive are you to your partners?

@.nyquist The topic is about being attentive to your partners, so I answered/discussed it that way based on my experience. And most jobs require the "skills" I mentioned there as well. Also, I am not American.
Er, I feel as if maybe I said something wrong. Because for whatever reason there are a whole lot of implications in your writing that I had been making false assertions. And I don't want to keep falling down this rabbit whole where we break down the technical details of this thread. Relax, last few posts were a joke. Just thought it was a cute trait to have, reminding your SO of appointments and all.
@.nyquist Thank you for that clarification. I do tend to nitpick details at times. It's part of my skill set. It could be a blessing or a curse. :)
Clearly ^^; You know, you might be onto something with that spy stuff. You certainly have the intimidation factor down~
@.nyquist Haha, no thanks. I see another job mismatch in the making, probably. Also, I heard spies are not allowed to watch anime or read manga, so.. I'M KIDDING! Who knows, though. :P
A lot of the time, I like to be affectionate and do things with my partner, even just getting out of the house with them makes me happy! I also have times where I wanna be left alone but at the same time, I don't want to -be- alone, if they can spend time with me and not get upset I don't feel like being clingy/lovey at that moment, I think that'd be perfect x3 I'm not sure if I properly explained it
Ringo chan sama as a secrtayry HAHAHAHA u gotta b kdding me ?? she wud eat her boss alive nd be d badass BOSS instaed !! XD XD but shed b so cute doing it shell luk lyk dis http://orig11.deviantart.net/ed39/f/2012/310/c/e/misao_kusakabe___eating_animation_by_akatsukireligion-d5k6olm.gif to anser OP, i pay attentoin 2 my prtners so much they thnk i hav no life but is it wrong 2 just be crazy inlove 24/7 wid them ??? XD
For me it depends on how I feel around them. I could be extremely subtle or exmensly romantic or I'm between sometimes I go from be subtle but overtime I could end up exmensly romantic with me it just depends on how I feel around you.
The majority of the time, I am very attentive to my partner even if I'm doing my own thing like hanging out with friends, playing a game and what-not - I'm always making sure I pay attention to her whenever she wants it. The only times when I choose to focus entirely on what I'm doing is if I'm really busy with something important or just when I want to be left alone to do something myself - but saying that I do try my best not to be rude about it and I promise to spend time with them later.
Very. I'm a self sacrificing kind of person to the point I neglect my own well-being for their sake. I need to change that though, because it's not healthy. I'm not happy at all being someone's doormat. Treat others the way you want to be treated, don't let things be one sided. People don't change because you're nice to them and say "yes" all the time. I gotta learn how to say no to people. People tend to play the guilt game, when I don't meet their expectations and I strongly dislike that. But in the past I never learned from those mistakes and kept getting back-stabbed in relationships (being cheated on). Just hope to find someone's who's genuinely a kind and caring (gentle) person as me. I don't mind a person who tries to show a bit of romance. It's kinda cute seeing someone try their best to get my attention. It's flattering! o.o I'm more of a friendly person, might flirt here and there. Generally a sweet person. On rare occasions I might go all out and buy something really nice for a girl xD but from my experience... It only makes them happy for just one instance and they go back to being the same person, ugh.... I just spent all this money on you! Having an attentive kinda partner will be kinda new to me. So, I'll just see how that works out lol
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