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How attentive are you to your partners?

Do you like to show your love and affection a lot or not much? Do you like to do romantic gestures or do you prefer something more subtle? Do you show your love often and in an obvious way or would the other person not even know if you two were still dating? XD And do you prefer partners who are really attentive to you or ones that give you your space? And for the love of the Otaku Trucker himself please be specific
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From the outside I might look like the person who didn't care about my beloved, but actually I do really about every details of them. ^^ For I, saying the word 'love' for thousand times but didn't coming from deeply of your heart is meaningless~ I do like partner that show affection by both actions and words. Not just words~ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I subscribe to that whole love language school of thought. People tend to receive/show their affection more through either speech, physical touch, material gifts, acts of service, or quality time. So sometimes someone who doesn't express themselves through open "I love you"s and hugs and kisses can be seen as cold and distant. But they choose to express their love in some other way. Something to keep in mind~ Myself, I was never good at verbally affirming my love. I prefer to show it through physical touch, like petting the top of their head, a hug from behind, kissing their hand. I don't like to do it in public though, I find it kind of obnoxious when couples are all over each other. I also like to be really generous with gifts on special occasions. Most partners I've had didn't like the same kind of things I was into (ie they were never super nerdy or musically inclined), so shared quality time has always been a rarity for me and something I really like and crave. The whole snuggling, watching anime or teaming up in a multiplayer game, you know? But I always did get my acts of service. I guess I like subjugating my significant other, haha. As far as attentiveness/space goes, I need my space. Personal alone time is a huge thing to me, and it has lead to several breakups on my end. Been trying to compromise between their need to have warmth and my need to be alone; I'd like to think I'm getting better. How about you, BurningHalo? You're asking the questions, but not answering them yourself!
From the outside I might seem to be the person who gives out a lot of affection but i'm actually really shy with the person i'm tied to romantically. I do like attention and giving attention, i don't like romance 100% of the time since i'm the kind that likes to banter more than pass on sweet words. But it's not bad once in a while, since it makes it sweeter? than to pass it out 100% of the time which i have no problem giving to my friends lmfao. I'm weird like that but I do like physical touches since i'm a touchy person. I always want to have at least one hand on the person when i'm out, i do it kinda subconsciously with the people i'm close to. :P
My zodiac sign is cancer. That pretty much says it all. I enjoy caring for others, in whatever way they may need to be cared for. Doesn't mean that I would jump around my partner 24/7, that's something that even I find annoying. I like a healthy 50% partner time. So that each of us can have their private time, but we still share quite a bit. Also know that I'm about as faithful and trustworthy as is gets. I'm one hundred percent monogamous, and I only have eyes for my partner, as long as we clearly are partners.
Edit: and also a lot of hugs.
that sure does sound like Max he does like to give hugs
I use to be that girl where you didnt even know if we were still dating or not thats because it was relationships in shcool and not outside of it. However ive gotten a bit better, at showing affection. I am no where near a romantic. The idea of flowers and a dinner date make me cringe. Arcade, movie, or even a walk downtown is enough. Im more of a homebody and most are okay with that. However when it comes to space I need it, their are some days where im just irritable and dont want to snap at anyone. Phone calls and text every 30 minutes annoy me. So clingy is a major turn off. Wanting to go out with me places is fine but not everyday, I had one guy that everywhere I said I went he would say why didnt you invite me, and it wasnt a joke -_-. I cant tolerate somene that close when were just dating not married. If anything it makes me uncomfortable and scares me off.
I have done both, to be honest. I once was so head-over-heels for a girl I was dating that I bought her all kinds of lavish jewelry, cooked for her, took up dancing, etc. In another relationship, it was totally the opposite. I was still 18 at the time and was really self-centered. I'd show up late to dates, ignore her phone calls, and would often push her to do whatever I was interested in doing rather than what she wanted to. The funny thing was that the first girl was really sweet, but she was never really serious about me. The second girl, on the other hand, was totally obsessed and wanted me to marry her. I still don't get why she thought I was so great when I was honestly kind of a prick. @mango I hate the phone. My mother and I used to get into arguments when I was younger over the phone because she was always inferring something that wasn't there based on the tone of my voice. I feel like nothing beats face-to-face communication. Even posts online like this don't really give people a good sense of who you are, y'know?
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