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How attentive are you to your partners?

I like to express and show my affection. I'm a pretty emotional kind of guy despite I hardly show emotions physically. In a relationship, I would like some attention back otherwise the feelings fade and pretty much I'll stop caring and be apathetic towards the person. It happened in my last relationship and it's kind of happening again. "If you ignore someone, you're teaching them how to live without you."
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I'm all about surprising my lady friend with gifts. Nothing too expensive, but little things to let her know she's on my mind when we're not around each other. Other than that I like to keep the lines of communication open. We don't have to talk for hours everyday, but at the very least I should know how you're doing. I'm not a very clingy guy and I don't demand a lot of attention from my partner unless it was planned ahead of time. Like in my last relationship we were both really busy so our schedules rarely lined up. We agreed that Thursdays would be the days when we hang out, go on dates, or whatever else we felt like doing. The rest of the week was pretty much left up in the air and often times that meant we didn't see each other. Even though I would have love to see her more often, I was fine with once a week.
Jun 14, 16 at 9:21pm
I can't go a single day without talking to her. She means a lot to me and I listen to everything she says. I don't always do what she says, but her opinion is of utmost importance. I don't say I lot of romantic words, but I let my actions speak for me.
I'm not sure myself, I think I am the type of devoted and passionate lover just as much as I can be a fucking bitch when I'm not okay. I'm 100% sure that I annoy, I insult and I joke all the time and suddenly my sweet side is out and it's really like an aleatory switch. To sum it up, yes too passionate, why I close all those feelings inside because the other person might be overwhelmed and confused. Sad thing is that I'm starting to think that I'm the one that's always going to get more romantically involved as in, mentally, I will understand the other more than they will ever understand me. I want to talk all the time with this person about everything too. Selfishness will be the end of me. I also want to know how they completely see me as, I need to be constantly reminded somehow, even for little acts or words that the other's interested in me just as much as I am in them and trust me, it's ridiculously obvious when I am. It's better to be alone in some cases, though right now, I'm so confused I shouldn't even be here posting at these hours either.
Paying attention to and noticing details come naturally to me. I love observing people and situations, more so if I am attracted to them. I would say I'm attentive, but never in the grandiose way. I notice immediately when my partner hasn't eaten yet or if he has a deadline to beat or if he needs to pull off a couple of all-nighters or if he hasn't done his chores in days. I always accommodate his needs during these times if I can. Remembering small details, even those mentioned in passing, is also pretty easy for me. My exes always get surprised when I bring up something like it's their friend's birthday next week even though they only mentioned it once or twice. People's processes are different, however. I, personally, don't like being around people when I'm super busy and both my partners respected that. I like receiving and giving attention and affection as much as any person in love, but what I've learned from both my relationships is that grand romantic gestures are not sustainable in the long term and they rarely save your ass when you mess up. I like the subtle, small things that my partners do for me and I do for them. I actually notice them better. It makes me picture how our future together would be like once we are old or bored or broke or sick and only have each other miles down the road. Knowing how I and my partner like doing the small things for each other is more comforting and reassuring for me than any big romantic gesture. I remember the first (and only) failed grand surprise gesture my ex did for me was this basket full of different specialty sweets and chocolate and a huge bouquet of flowers. He went to all the trouble of having some of the chocolates shipped and even specially handcrafted and ordered. He didn't know prior to preparing his surprise that I don't eat sweets at all because my taste buds are quite sensitive to them. He felt so guilty about not knowing this about me and I felt so guilty about turning down his gift! So much for grand, surprise gestures. From then on, we settled on a "No Surprises" policy in our relationship. >_<
@Ringo: Those are some very desirable qualities for a personal assistant/secretary. Say, you wouldn't be interested in making some money on the side, would you~?
@.nyquist That would be a terrible mismatch based on my interests and qualifications, but thanks for the offer. I would also make a great spy. What made you think of personal assistant/secretary?
Lol! I'm very affectionate and don't need time away or anything but I'm also adaptable to whatever my partner wants. But if they are too aloof and never seem to want affection than I feel as if I'm not wanted.
Your opening two paragraphs about being attentive and reminding SO's of deadlines, perhaps? If you had written about memorizing silhouettes of US battleships or relaying messages back to the motherland, then maybe I would've said spy...
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