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Manny-chan @exvladovir
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Manny-chan @exvladovir
Hey, pleasure to meet you. Nice tattoos and pics ^_^

bobbydbz @bobbydbz
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bobbydbz @bobbydbz
Hi. I'm looking for a new girlfriend. Let's date.

alexm626 @alexm626
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alexm626 @alexm626
hi there

๑Nyriah๑ @pandahnightmare
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๑Nyriah๑ @pandahnightmare
My dad passed away and I don't know how to feel, after he turned a blind eye and let/helped my mom abuse me in multiple ways instead of stepping up and stopping her when he knew he could have.
Biggest Lie You Ever Heard.

๑Nyriah๑ @pandahnightmare
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Biggest Lie You Ever Heard.
๑Nyriah๑ @pandahnightmare
"I love you."
"I'd never hurt you."
"I want to be with you forever."
"You're my world/You're my everything"
"She's nothing to worry about"
"I want to marry you."