Biggest Lie You Ever Heard.

BZ Substitute @brasszombie
Biggest Lie You Ever Heard.
BZ Substitute @brasszombie
Share stories about lies you were told in the past, lies you told yourself or lies you heard about.
Feel free to talk about other people's lies.

FinalSmile @finalsmile
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Biggest Lie You Ever Heard.
FinalSmile @finalsmile
Santa Clause and God my dude, but that is no fun. I remember when I was 5 or 6 I lied to my cousin that their were monsters under the bed, in the closet, and in the hall way and the moment he starts to shut his eyes they will come for him. He started crying and freaking out. I got in trouble for that one but still think its funny because he is older than me. Also my other cousin who was a girl and a year younger than me just rolled over and didn't care.

Cero @cero
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Biggest Lie You Ever Heard.
Cero @cero
This account has been suspended.

Zilverwilg @zilverwilg
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Biggest Lie You Ever Heard.
Zilverwilg @zilverwilg
It is not often that I lie, but if I do it is because of petty things like not having done my work. But saying I did have done it.
But one thing that is not really a lie was when I told I would vote for a friend in civ5. If I voted for him he had won the game. In stead of voting I voted with only 1 of all my votes for him. So he didn't win. Angry that he was, lol. I didn't talked with him for 2 weeks. (He got fucked in that game a lot before and me betraying him was the final push.)

yaasshat @yaasshat
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Biggest Lie You Ever Heard.
yaasshat @yaasshat
"I didn't cheat. It was just a hand job."

Lamby @momoichi
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Biggest Lie You Ever Heard.
Lamby @momoichi
lifes worth living.

EverRedScott ג'יימס @kuro7respect
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Biggest Lie You Ever Heard.
EverRedScott ג'יימס @kuro7respect
"That was me, I'm a pornstar." after I caught a person online catfishing a photo of a pornstar.

Lamby @momoichi
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Biggest Lie You Ever Heard.
Lamby @momoichi
my ex told me alot of lies, more then i can count/remember xD
some were down right embarrassing, but this is some
boss needs me at work late (wanted to go drinking with his friends)
hiding the fact that he met up with his long time crush, hanging out at his house with her, and texted her nonstop (pretty sure he would have left me for her if she was single, too, which is nice)
lying about not watching certain anime
about breaking his leg
lying about me being his first kiss (not sure why he'd lie about that?)
him trying to get laid at a pub (was when we were first going out, and he obviously failed lol)
basically anything i asked him to do/not to do he'd lie about and just do what he wanted/didnt want
fake trying to kill himself twice was a funny one
faking emotions
alot of the rest i forgot or its too embarrassing to say on a thread, just a bunch of tiny stuff too, no reason even to lie about them, he was just a compulsive liar at that point :/
hes better now though, so thats nice
i never believed in santa claus though, so that lie i never fell for ;3

Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
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Biggest Lie You Ever Heard.
Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
"What if i kissed you" <-- in pms "oh i already told you i talk like that with everyone i wasnt flirting with you, you just think you're so cute but i have a boyfriend already and you're a stalker" what someone said after i publicly rejected her :3

saeko @gotchicho
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Biggest Lie You Ever Heard.
saeko @gotchicho
The biggest lie ever told to me was that it was ok to be me! Learned at age 10 i needed to not be me lolz
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