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Food Nazis

May 26, 16 at 10:24pm
What would you do if there was someone in your life that constantly criticized what you ate? Yes, it's one thing to point out to someone if they are continuously eating fast food or junk food, but what if they were eating a mixture and healthier options as well? What would you do if they asked you at every meal what you were having and had commentary about how good or bad something is?
Arc @arc commented on Food Nazis
May 26, 16 at 10:35pm
I think if somebody constantly criticized me on food that I eat and I didn't know them that well it would piss me off. I'd tell them to mind their own business. Over the years my mom and dad (mostly my dad) had influenced what I eat, mainly because I ask them why they are not eating said food. When I learn something new I tell them about it, as we all try to lead healthier lives. Now coming back to the topic at hand, it would eventually get on my nerves unless you are really, really close to me. If I know that person has my best interests at heart, I'd be more lenient about it.
Ed~ @yamadaed commented on Food Nazis
May 26, 16 at 10:40pm
This account has been suspended.
May 27, 16 at 4:07am
It depends. If I am in a condition where my diet needs to be monitored and my attitude tends to be forgetful or nonchalant, I would surely appreciate every reminder regarding food. My grandfather was like that after he had a stroke. He gets mad when we try to ask him to eat only this or that, but then he will also get mad if we don't remind him not to eat this or that. For myself, seeing as I'm already fairly disciplined with what I eat, I would get annoyed if someone points out that I'm not having enough of this or enough of that. I know my body and I know my nutritional needs better than any food Nazi, I think.
May 27, 16 at 4:48am
People always criticise what I eat but I like to listen their advice and try out something new. But I'm not gonna give up on sweets, nope.
Ughhh yes...I do have one person like that in my family, and OHHH EM GEEE...holy ****ing ****.... You can't even eat a damn candy bar without hearing one and a half hour essay on it's contents, what they do to you, and what kind of stuff can it lead to and yadda yadda yadda... Then I'm like: You do realize all those veggies and fruit you get from the grocery store have stuff in it in order to make it grow faster, that's far more cancerous and whatnot than anything deep fried or with excessive amount of sugar right? xD Which is also the reason for example why all the tomatoes there look ctrl+c/ctrl+v all the same perfect and flawless, but taste like freakin' plastic compared to organic ones in case you were ever wondering about that. -_-'
I ignore them or kindly indicate I do not care and I eat what I eat. If they get annoying about it dark humor and sarcasm to trigger their sensitivities is in order. ex. A regular at the pub walked by while I was eating a steak and rolled her eyes and said she could practically hear the cow crying so I replied the tears make it juicier and kept eating. Life feeds on life that is just natural. Your carrots are crying too as you boil them alive in the pot lol.
May 27, 16 at 8:13pm
Let's take it from a different stance. You are open to just about any food and they are literally only going to eat a variety of maybe five different things...no matter where you go. I had a girlfriend who would only eat chicken...always chicken. Want veggies? Better just get some for you. Like sushi(not all sushi has fish in it and some is even fried)? Tough titties, you're eating it alone. Want to get a pizza that has more than cheese on it? Better order or make two...etc You'd think you could handle that, but then add in living together, which means buy groceries not just for yourself and then it seems idiotic to always make two separate meals. I made it known that I like variety, but the compromise was that I had to eat what she ate or spend more.... No resentment...XD As for commentators of what I eat? I could care less, at least I'm not picky.
VeZeal @axlex commented on Food Nazis
May 27, 16 at 10:07pm
"Whatever." and then continue with my meal.
May 28, 16 at 4:11am
It'd be nice to know they care.
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