Did you learn from breakups?

Ed~ @yamadaed
Did you learn from breakups?
Ed~ @yamadaed
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neeto @neet_one
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Did you learn from breakups?
neeto @neet_one
Yeah, to have some standards and not agree to date whatever person asks you out.

Ringo_Blue @ringo_blue
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Did you learn from breakups?
Ringo_Blue @ringo_blue
My previous relationships taught me that break ups don't have to suck, so long as both are mature parties.
And that exes can be friends, but not if you force it right after the break up.
And that it's okay to remain friends with your ex's best friends.
And that it's only common courtesy to ask if your ex wants any of their old stuff/gifts to you back.
And that it's okay to invite your ex to your wedding and that they can RSVP yes, but then change their mind at the last minute, so don't give them a major role in your wedding entourage. :)

yaasshat @yaasshat
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Did you learn from breakups?
yaasshat @yaasshat
Do I sense some resentment?;P
Edit: I'm planning on putting down my experiences, but I need a few free minutes.

Ringo_Blue @ringo_blue
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Did you learn from breakups?
Ringo_Blue @ringo_blue
Haha, nope. If anything, I'm the more guilty party when it comes to break ups. You should put in your two cents, too. Your insights on threads are usually, uhh, how do I say this -- refreshing? :D

yaasshat @yaasshat
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Did you learn from breakups?
yaasshat @yaasshat
The main thing I've learned is that actions mean so much more than words. I dealt with to much crap while sadly settling, as neet put it. I'm not going to write a story, but always think of your happiness as well. If you are only trying to make your partner happy and they aren't trying to make you happy, it ain't worth it. You need to think of what it is that you need and not just be the person who thinks making their partner happy is all they need.
Also, sometimes a friendship just isn't going to work afterwards.

punhero @punhero
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Did you learn from breakups?
punhero @punhero
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O|̿ ̶̿'╮|̶͇̿ ̶͇̿ ͇̿ |͇̿ ͇̿ @oreo717
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Did you learn from breakups?
O|̿ ̶̿'╮|̶͇̿ ̶͇̿ ͇̿ |͇̿ ͇̿ @oreo717
bro my last one it was horrible,
it took me a whole year to recover.
The doctor said i was probably gonna end up paralyzed, but thankfully my broken back healed up and now im good af.

MewMew(─‿‿─) @wertingman
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Did you learn from breakups?
MewMew(─‿‿─) @wertingman
I learned maybe it just better to be terrible to people and some things weren't meant to be. As far as being terrible, I've read on an article online that if you want people to want you, you have to be "scarce". Don't allow yourself to be available to people. If someone is late on a text or date then make them wait longer. I don't agree with this whole mind game manipulation thing at all. I just can't bring myself to do that to people. It's an important thing I learned but I don't apply it because it's not in my personality to do that.
The other one was somethings weren't meant to be. I don't sulk over any break up I have had. If I would have continued to force myself to make it work/be with them then it would ultimately make me unhappy. The saying has taught me "it's ok". You are not with them anymore so you can find that special someone some day. I don't have "the one that got away" moments because there's nothing you can do about the past except look to the future/present.

huntail78 @huntail78
commented on
Did you learn from breakups?
huntail78 @huntail78
I've learned sometimes dating a bestfriend or at least someone you thought was your best friend isn't always a great idea. And long distance is a lot of work and isn't for everyone. My last relationship was long distance and that was hard. Like I learned how hard a long distance relationship can really be and how much trust and patience in the sense of time passing by and not being able to see the person in person even though you want to.
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