Crazy Party Samurai

crazy party samurai @crazypartysamurai
Crazy Party Samurai
crazy party samurai @crazypartysamurai
*Pules out sword* Come on Everyone let's party to the beat. Hiya i'm new hope to meet fellow Otaku's crazy one's haha. and Let's get crazy!! And a song with haha.

MewMew(─‿‿─) @wertingman
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Crazy Party Samurai
MewMew(─‿‿─) @wertingman
Just curious but how to do you have the free time to keep making these profiles and are you the same person who keeps doing it? 030

Ginseng @desu
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Crazy Party Samurai
Ginseng @desu
And where the heck do you keep finding these cosplay pics LMAO

crazy party samurai @crazypartysamurai
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Crazy Party Samurai
crazy party samurai @crazypartysamurai
? Crazy bunch. Who yea talking about me just joined.

Link Start @linkstart
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Crazy Party Samurai
Link Start @linkstart
Oh hack yeah! Welcome to the awesome world of Mo sister how are you this day's haha i really hope your haveing fun.^^

crazy party samurai @crazypartysamurai
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Crazy Party Samurai
crazy party samurai @crazypartysamurai
OMG CRAZY! hello sis how are you haha?

MewMew(─‿‿─) @wertingman
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Crazy Party Samurai
MewMew(─‿‿─) @wertingman
Ok so I tooK the time to reverse search your images using Google images on chrome(yes I took the time to go to a different browser). Two of your pics are of a cosplayer named Reika. Sound familiar? The very first pic is of her cosplaying a dynasty warriors 8 character. Now whoever you are can you stick to your main profile, I'm sure well all would love to talk to the real you:3 if you are a troll go haze yourself-sincerely Wert-<3

MewMew(─‿‿─) @wertingman
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Crazy Party Samurai
MewMew(─‿‿─) @wertingman
Oh and im starting to think you're the same person Link. I have noticed strange similarities with profile like "silly girl chan" always really pretty JAPANESE(highlight Japanese ) cosplayer. The fake profiles always come to the introductions and always now how to add pictures THE FIRST DAY. I didno find out how to do that till a week later by asking and looking way back in the forums. Whenever I have a conversation with the fake profile you talk the same and use the same exact emojiis. Another thing too is that you'll put only cosplay pictures of a particular cosplayer as your pics. Also you post gifs from a very particular anime when you do post.

Nakama @jacob1
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Crazy Party Samurai
Nakama @jacob1

crazy party samurai @crazypartysamurai
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Crazy Party Samurai
crazy party samurai @crazypartysamurai
@Wu Do. Crazy welcome friend. ^^ Man at least someone is not totally crazy haha just kidding.
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