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@yasshat then I leave them. Plain and simple. If you don't want to help yourself then why should I help you? I don't think you understood what I'm saying. I'm going to help them but they have to help themselves. Being overweight is a healthy issue(not unless you have blood problems or something). As a lover, I should care enough for my lovers health to not see them have a stroke or something. That's sticking it out for someone in my opinion. In the end, they have to care too.
Jul 30, 16 at 9:35pm
A smile, I only asked because I think that can lead people on. I mean, it's one thing if that's a sort of understood agreement and I fully understand the whole wanting your partner to be healthy. But, if you go with someone who's obviously living an unhealthy lifestyle, you can't expect them to change just for you, you knew what you were getting into and went for it anyways. Those who won't date a smoker, do so for this reason too. You can't expect to change someone just for the sake of caring about them, they need to do so because they want to change. But, I think that's kind of what you're getting at anyways.
shit, id rather date a fat person than a smoker
Jul 30, 16 at 11:46pm
I've been seeing this kind of thing a lot lately and I feel like I should mention that people can look fat and still be healthy and active. I've been fat all my life and I have excellent blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol. My numbers are better than some thin people I know. I regularly walk several miles without tiring. I have LARPed in high heel boots and could still fight and win against other players. I even used to swim competitively and I kicked ass at it. In fact, the only health issues I've ever dealt with are depression and anxiety. I know people who look fat and are competitive weight lifters. I know people who look fat and are fucking graceful ballerinas. I don't want to get in an argument with anyone or start a fight. I just wanted to say, be careful about making assumptions about people's health or what kind of lifestyle they have.
"Or something"
shawnji @shawnji commented on FATTIES
Jul 31, 16 at 8:08am
Cinnamoon, you don't look fat at all to me. Maybe you're over the "optimal" weight for your height or whatever, but you look good where you're at from what little I've seen. To your point though, my dad is something like 290 lbs. and definitely what most people would consider fat, but he also works like a dog and is literally made of muscle. Every time he goes into the doctor to get checked up he has perfect numbers. He also never smokes or drinks, though. He just eats a lot because he loves food too much. XD
Jul 31, 16 at 1:00pm
I have a small waist but big breasts and hips so I carry weight well. And my stomach is flat from lots of swimming but I've got thick thighs and such. I'm fat AND cute. ;D https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/c1/12/25/c112258304e06f583a50a1cab2fc3378.jpg
shawnji @shawnji commented on FATTIES
Jul 31, 16 at 1:08pm
I wholeheartedly agree. ;)
Jul 31, 16 at 1:11pm
@cinnamoon Definitely my type of woman~ ;D
Jul 31, 16 at 2:00pm
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