M u g i ❤ @stellalina
M u g i ❤ @stellalina
So um, Like.. Why don't anyone wanna date fatties? We are people tooooooo...T~T;;

MewMew(─‿‿─) @wertingman
commented on
MewMew(─‿‿─) @wertingman
I love all walks of life of people! Full girls and guys are some of the sweetest people on this planet. Don't know why people no like?:<

❀Sunflower❀ @sunflower
commented on
❀Sunflower❀ @sunflower
Physically it is not that attractive to most, and it just seems like they do not take care of their own health ( unless in the rare case they have some sort of disease )
O.o so we must work hard to lose that extra weight
Beauty is pain and effort
But there are some people who like fat people so it all depends on who u meet
Oh and when u say fat I image someone who is like very fat, so in ur case ur like curvy ur not really fat

DangoBoy @dangoboy
commented on
DangoBoy @dangoboy
Basically what Sunflower said. If you're fat and can't help it then that's one thing but most people can control it which means you're just lazy and won't take care of yourself which is not only hard on yourself but your partner as well. All I'd ask for is to try to lose the weight. If you won't even put forth the effort then I won't put forth the effort to be with you. I know that sounds harsh but it's really just the principle of it that matters. Of course we could remain friends though, I'm not mean.

M u g i ❤ @stellalina
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M u g i ❤ @stellalina
Yes I do agree very often bigger people are rather sweet I guess because they know what its like to be bullied T.T; And I know its not physically attractive and it's not just that! It's not easy to loose weight and alot of people who are fat already struggle with depression or self worth issues and stuff T.T It just makes it more harder for them, I feel bad for them and I always want to befriend them cause bigger people are actually really sweet and kind people most of them are.. It's not a rare case actually, thyroid issues are very common cases among bigger girls at least, That issue where you gain weight even if you exercise or diet or you are often very weak and don't even have the energy to do anything. Then there is the problem where some people just eat too much or don't eat properly like instead of eating 3 meals only eat 1 really big meal and that makes people gain weight too.. It's not really the food it's alot of things. LOL thank you.. I still consider myself fat though.. But I can understand what you mean usually very obese is like 300+.. I wish loosing weight was easier but its rather hard for me to do it alone and I can't seem to find anyone to help me with it. T.T;; So it's not that I don't want to but it makes it hard to do it.. I do eat normally though lol. I do try very hard to loose weight but because of my thyroid issue It always ends up in vain, I exercise what I can and I eat healthy and yet I don't loose weight I just remain.

M u g i ❤ @stellalina
commented on
M u g i ❤ @stellalina
And that is mean, I AM NOT LAZY When it comes to my health. I am healthy but I have an issue that I CANNOT CONTROL. And I take medication but that alone doesn't stabilize it enough. So rude I'm sorry but what you said is rather RUDE Dango, you should NOT Assume such things of someone.

DangoBoy @dangoboy
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DangoBoy @dangoboy
I'm like 99% sure you don't qualify as the type of over-weight this topic is about :)

DangoBoy @dangoboy
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DangoBoy @dangoboy
I'm sorry if I offended you. I thought we were talking about like 300 pound people.

M u g i ❤ @stellalina
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M u g i ❤ @stellalina
..LOL.. Well my doctor says I am overweight so.. I guess you are thinking like people who are.. 350+? LOL..Okay well I guess I don't qualify for that but people still treat me unfairly for my weight but I guess I can't do anything about it really.. Sigh sorry..

DangoBoy @dangoboy
commented on
DangoBoy @dangoboy
Nah it's alright. When someone says fat I think fat fat for some reason. Guess I'm used to seeing slightly over-weight people everywhere around me. Again, I didn't mean to offend you.
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