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Clingy people, turn on/off?

Its a complete turn off when you can't take 2 steps without them being right on your back. Or if they see everyone as some sort of competition or turn down everyone's input so yours is the center.. Basically its a total deal breaker when the clingyness is more "possessive".. I dont mind cling, but not when its to the point where i can't have any time to myself. -w-; personally, my friend is like that to the point where i feel like i can't be friends with him anymore..
personality I like a cling lady it's pretty romantic makes you feel pretty special :D
Asphyxiation is always romantic, ain't it?;P
Having been the "doting mom" in my circle, I can certainly appreciate how quickly that sort of thing can turn any type of relationship sour. Personally, I don't mind if you want me to call you once or twice during the day, but if you start freaking out because I didn't answer my phone for twenty some-odd minutes, we're gonna have some problems to work out.
May 18, 16 at 6:07am
A lack of trust is damaging in any relationship.
Overly clingy/possessive is a no go. Relationships are a tedious balance of my time your time and our time if they are to last.
I've never had a clingy boyfriend.. But I'm so clingy, I call myself a yandere. Most guys act like they want to date a yandere and then get mad when you try to murder them. I'm joking, but really. I'm too clingy. And I've been trying to get over it, but it's so hard when you have someone you really, really, -really- like. D: I mean, I don't have to know where you are every waking moment, but at least come visit me or shoot me a text everyday! Waaagh. If I had a clingy guy, I bet I'd be so happy. ;O;
May 20, 16 at 11:09pm
It's only appreciated if I like the guy, if not then being clingy is annoying.
Depends, there are different levels of clinginess. One of my friend's gf literally went through his phone records. I once dated a girl that called me 12 times a day (on avg)!!! That was way too much for me personally. Don't get me wrong, clinginess can be awesome! (I mean who doesn't like attention) But not if it's over 9,000... *One exception, if I know someone is always on my side no matter what, then clinginess doesn't bother me.
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