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Clingy people, turn on/off?

I'd prefer someone clingy than who would talk to me once a week. I do prefer my own space at times.
I say depends on how clingy.. Like where i cant hang out with friends or guys night then no.. But if i can do that an have a clingy gf that would be fun i think
I know I have posted here before but want to add on. As long as he or she doesn't keep me from my family I'm fine with clingiess.
I'd love to have a person cling to me like a sloth, but not so much where they go all Yandere on me. On the other hand, I had one time wished to have Tsunderes all to myself, perhaps changing them over towards a Tandere like nature.
Cute cling would be good
I've never had a clingy girlfriend before. While putting deep thought into it, I wouldn't really mind someone who wanted to spend a lot of time with me. In fact, I would actually probably prefer it. Just as long as they didn't try to get in between me and my family.
May 14, 16 at 2:36am
Tbh, imo clingyness is a turn on... Like when a person is asking whether you're ok, or did you ate already? It just proves how much the person cares... Well it's rare to find someone like that nowadays, I think? O.o
May 14, 16 at 5:45am
Sometimes it's cute but a little too much can be really annoying tbh
Turn on in my eyes, cause I want to be there for the clingy one and would make me very happy when they come to me
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