Bad Boys Or People That Will Actually Have Money, Respect, And Status
BlueRose @roseblue
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Bad Boys Or People That Will Actually Have Money, Respect, And Status
BlueRose @roseblue
When I think of Bad Boys, only one image comes into my mind, and that is the Diaz Brothers.
Blue @blueroselover
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Bad Boys Or People That Will Actually Have Money, Respect, And Status
Blue @blueroselover
Okay I'll explain it. The appeal of the "bad boy" is that he is unapologetically himself. He knows what he wants and goes after it. He's a dick but his arrogant ways are seen as confident to the less observant people. He doesn't compromise himself for others and doesn't kiss butt. He lets his desires be known upright and doesn't get all mopey when he's rejected. People, not just women, like a challenge. It is not attractive to have someone just be all over you for no work. With the bad boy you have to show you're "worth" his time. Douchey? Yes. But it means he is not easy. The problem is that most "bad boys" don't respect others.
Too many guys bend over backwards for a woman they barely know. They kiss her butt so much that it becomes like an ass-cleaning machine. They never disagree with her and they are always the one to compromise when a disagreement happens. In other words, total wusses. And they are always non-confrontational even at the cost of rightfully trying to work for what they want. I have seen guys go weeks without once letting a woman know he was interested. Then they act all surprised when she's with someone else. OR they'll tell her, she might reject them and then they sit back and whine and complain about it. Making sure she knows it bothers them. And their only checklist for a female partner is that she has a moderately attractive face and a working vagina. This is not how a guy should be. This kind of guy does not respect himself.
A healthy mix is to take qualities from both. Be assertive about your desires and your feelings but know when to dial it down and let other people talk. Don't go looking for fights but also don't be afraid to stand your ground and speak your mind. It's okay to show interest in a woman you like and do nice things for her, but don't just do so because she's pretty and talking to you. And if she says or does something that bothers you then let her know. If she rejects you, don't take it personally and don't throw a pity party. I hate when people try to pity someone into a date. It squicks me the fuck out.
I know that saying "be confident" is cheesy to some people but it rings true. Yes, you can be the best of both.
EDIT: Also, being a bad boy is not mutually exclusive from having money, status, or self-respect.
xynox @xynox
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Bad Boys Or People That Will Actually Have Money, Respect, And Status
xynox @xynox
TL;DR but in case that was directed at me I was referring to the OP.. Not what you wrote.
Blue @blueroselover
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Bad Boys Or People That Will Actually Have Money, Respect, And Status
Blue @blueroselover
Wasn't directed to you Xynox ^^ It was to the OP
xynox @xynox
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Bad Boys Or People That Will Actually Have Money, Respect, And Status
xynox @xynox
Alrighty then ^-^
Heero yuy @kingvanleer23
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Bad Boys Or People That Will Actually Have Money, Respect, And Status
Heero yuy @kingvanleer23
I'm both
neeto @neet_one
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Bad Boys Or People That Will Actually Have Money, Respect, And Status
neeto @neet_one
Sometimes I wonder if I give off a 'badboy' vibe.
Azureroselover's description seems mostly relatable. I'd never beg a woman to go out with me, let alone take whatever I can get, and I sure as hell refuse to allow myself to ever get whipped. I'm also not afraid to be honest.
I rarely pursue women here yet keep getting them knocking on my door, while other guys here practically beg for female attention and at best only get it in role playing form. This would probably explain why.
115 @siruboo
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Bad Boys Or People That Will Actually Have Money, Respect, And Status
115 @siruboo
i had a friend that was a bad boy. he was a dick but he would get girls easy but it wouldnt last long
xynox @xynox
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Bad Boys Or People That Will Actually Have Money, Respect, And Status
xynox @xynox
Pretty much. Bad boys are pretty to look at and fun for a while but it wears off. They're not suited for longterm because they usually offer nothing and expect everything.
mariahaise @mariahaise
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Bad Boys Or People That Will Actually Have Money, Respect, And Status
mariahaise @mariahaise
Well, myself I don't think bad boys are actually attractive. They sound to me like arrogant idiots that like to lay down 24/7 without doing anything productive and still expect everything to go as planned. If a 'bad boy' is going to be attractive to me he should be the type to have his own goals and work for them without ruining everything in the process, not even getting distracted. If he wants something he wouldn't whine about it but rather change it. There's a difference that's like as big as this fucking planet and most guys don't get that.
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