Bad Boys Or People That Will Actually Have Money, Respect, And Status
MewMew(─‿‿─) @wertingman
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Bad Boys Or People That Will Actually Have Money, Respect, And Status
MewMew(─‿‿─) @wertingman
Then I think it's equal to say don't complain when he mops the floor with your heart(for females). Stop acting like every female is a goddess/complaining about her rejecting you(for males).
Personally if a female rejects me, I just carry on with my plans. I have other people to flirt with so rejection isn't that big of a deal. The only thing I would have to say to people after that is ,"I only offer once". If they try to crawl back I mop the floor with their pride.
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
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Bad Boys Or People That Will Actually Have Money, Respect, And Status
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
im sort of both just i lean more toward the side of the guys with potential
Shebang @bonfiyah
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Bad Boys Or People That Will Actually Have Money, Respect, And Status
Shebang @bonfiyah
Nope but I wouldn't want someone just because they have money or some type of status/reputation.
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