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Are You Ready For A Trump Nation?

trolls be trolls I guess
If she's a troll, then she's my new best friend :D
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Daggerfall nerd, people have been counting Trump out since the beginning of the election. Even after he started winning every debate and surging ahead in the polls, people still counted him out. Now he's almost certainly going to be the Republican nominee, and people still are counting him out! Hillary is also almost certainly going to be the Dem nominee. I'm definitely routing for Bernie, but he'd have to do amazing in the last few states or hope Hillary gets indicted so that he can rally super-delegates. Just looking at polling data and everything that has happened so far, it appears the US is going to have a Trump vs Hillary "coin flip". I'll leave you with one of my favourite quotes by Bertrand Russel: "Never let yourself be diverted, either by what you wish to believe, or what you think could have beneficent social effects if it were believed; but look only and solely at what are the facts."
What has the political analysts terrified is in spite of reason/sanity Trump has a mathematical chance to win. In some twisted indirect ways it could be a positive thing as he is wearing his game face exactly from his book about business and is playing everyone for free attention. Mexico has apologized to Trump and wants to talk about evolving security and trade because they are scared. Power tends to act like a pendulum and it began swinging left hard during the Iraq war. Now it is going to swing back to the right some. GOP would have had this election in the bag statistically if they had some moderate non polarizing people to put up. Instead they put up the same batch of hard right cronies so manifested Trump to inject chaos and break up stagnation with the fury of the silent majority possibly behind him. He knew it was gonna cause him grief, he did not need to run, he had a TV show and all the attention and money making he could want. President is a shit job, you wear the bulls-eye and are the fall guy for congresses fuck-ups. Congress is where the real power is in this country. When analyzing the voter turnout records you can see why they are scared. Democrats have been losing registered DNC voters the last few elections in key areas/demogs. The biggest losers were places Clinton won and the places the lost the fewest registered Dems or had any gains went to Sanders. The GOP inversely have been been gaining as much as 80% increases in registrations multiple years in a row. All the biggest gains went strongly for Trump and the smallest gains or losses went to Cruz and Rubio. Trump lost to Cruz in the Texas primary but still got 90K more votes than John McCain did to beat Obama in Texas in the 2008 presidential election. 2008 was a record breaking voter turnout at a paltry 58% of eligible voters showing up to vote. Our last election 38% showed up to vote, the lowest turnout since WW2. The weakness of democracy is when people do not participate and monitor it so 25-35% of the country dictates what the majority has for leaders insuring the best person for the job is never elected or even platformed. If Trump has indeed tapped the coveted silent majority politicians have desired for years themselves then a Trump nation is indeed quite possible. I do not care who you vote for as long as you make an informed decision and choose whom you think is right and participate. I am going to need a lot of popcorn this election season.
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^^^ ...pfft XD
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