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Bryan @brydacote
Bryan @brydacote
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arcticsakura @arcticsakura
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arcticsakura @arcticsakura
Thanks, has it changed a lot? It seems like they've still got quite a few bugs to work out...

Bryan @brydacote
Bryan @brydacote
Damn I rarely come on here. Last post I made was over 2 years ago?
What Are You Listening To Right Now?

Bryan @brydacote
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What Are You Listening To Right Now?
Bryan @brydacote
God's Anger from the Japanese Yu-Gi-Oh anime soundtrack
How many children would you like to have?

Bryan @brydacote
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How many children would you like to have?
Bryan @brydacote
Only kids I want are to have fur, fangs, four legs and paws.
Human children: zero.
I don't like kids and they test my patience too much.
Apr 6-8
May 24-26
Mar 21-23
Apr 3-5