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Are You Ready For A Trump Nation?

It's sucks that all the candidates suck in one way or another. Hillary is a crook, Bernie talks about economics like he's a 19 year old literature major, and Trump is Trump. If anyone were to get a Geass, now would be the time haha
Yeah I agree with you there Gurren but I still suspect we can all agree that between those 3 the only one that will fuck us up the least is Sanders. I'd rather someone who doesn't fully understand the econimics over someone who does and abuses it for personal gain. But yes; a Geass would be useful. Mostly for making the current political leaders to kill themselves imo XD
Sanders is definitely the best "person" of the candidates running. Out of all the candidates the one I want least is Hillary. I'll leave the 1-2 order to your imagination xD It would be, and then supplant them with qualified people aligned with my views so I can rule the world! Mwahahaha!! -cough-
Who's riding Hillary's cock? And what polls are you talking about? Do you mean she has a 2% national lead over Bernie? That doesn't really matter when she has almost clenched the Dem nomination.... And you implied her not going to jail is somehow going to hurt her chances of winning the Dem nomination, what the heck?
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I think we're talking in circles right now people Trump = Hitler 2.0 Hillary = corrupt lying skank Sanders = naive, idealistic and old
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