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Am I the only one?

I like certain aspects of many girls and certainly many are pretty to look at but I haven't really gone gaga and fallen hard for a girl in around 15yrs. It's like I've developed a resistance. I'm not picky about getting to know someone or dating, but even my last girlfriend, who I really cared for and love as a person, I never felt like I was really in love with her. It's like a field of flowers, all a bit different, pleasant too look at and fun to sniff but none really captivate my attention.
Mar 02, 16 at 1:50pm
now im thinking about a field of girls and how weird it would be
yeah i feel the same way tbh but mine is more recent i havent felt the same way toward other people since me and one of my exes broke up like yeah i love them but it doesnt feel like i do completely
Girls are boring to pursue, I prefer guys tbh
Mar 03, 16 at 1:53am
Never been in love. Crushes sure... But I'm young so I have years and years before I should start wondering whether or not it's chronic.
Mar 03, 16 at 4:33am
Well, for me love is more than just how I "feel". I've never had the whole butterflies in the stomach thing, but I have truly loved. Like the woman I'm with now, ive never been with a woman who so clearly shows that she loves me and that makes me more sure of my love towards her. Feelings lie, actions, repeated actions, tend to hold certain truths.
Mar 05, 16 at 10:37pm
Like Yaasshat says. The last time I had butterflies was probably middle school, but that doesn't mean it was the last time I fell in love. Alas, while I'd love to feel that way again, the chemical makeup of my body has changed, as most boys do when they become men. Love is what's under the soil, so to speak.
Mar 10, 16 at 2:26pm
I agree with Yaasshat and Chocopyro. At a certain age you find out that the feeling that young people call love is more like a crush; that feeling of butterflies in your stomach. This is also glorified in almost every movie or series that has even the slightest romance element in it. In my opinion real love is to share your life with somebody; do things together, but also apart from each other; being glad that at the end of the day they are there; respecting them and their desires completely. I've never come that far with a girl I got the butterfly feelings with instantaneously. I had that with one of my best female friends that became my girlfriend and I can honestly say I loved her and in some way still do, but more in a brotherly way now
Mar 10, 16 at 8:24pm
Very interesting Vampire Neko. I understand where you're coming from, then again it's all a matter of perception. After years of growing up, working, going on about life, it's easy to become stale or sort of numbed to certain essences of life. It's possible to love someone, without actually truly loving them, although that's a paradoxical statement. Sounds like what you've been experiencing is like bliss sort of, going throughout the motions. Regardless I believe everyone you have a relationship with carries over some meaning; I tend to believe everything happens for a reason. Though, when you find that true love, that's jaw dropping, you'll feel it. It'll hit your gut and soul like nothing else, nothing that can be put into words really.
Mar 10, 16 at 9:32pm
I used to get very interested in girls for various reasons whether because they were physically attractive (so short term like) or, more likely, we had common grounds somewhere... But Twas always one sided so I have already given up on finding a girl who likes me (at least in New York, maybe I can fly somewhere where I have better luck) I believe love can only exist if two people mutually share it. Otherwise it's just like, lust, affection, admiration, etc. So... I would say I know not what love is like, have not felt it in almost 25 years :3
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