Do you like NightCore ? [Ger]

HokageSasuke @emreerdogan98
Do you like NightCore ? [Ger]
HokageSasuke @emreerdogan98
Hey^^ wollte mal so ne umfrage machen.
Wer steht denn so auf NightCore?
und auf welchen still? Es gibt ja verschiedene Arten
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Hey ^^ wanted to do so ne survey.
Who does it say so on Nightcore?
and on what still? There are even different types

Autumn Dion @autumn_akimoto
commented on
Do you like NightCore ? [Ger]
Autumn Dion @autumn_akimoto
I like nightcore, a few types but mainly slower songs that are sped up, as their orriginal message can go from something depressing to something...hopeful, in a since..I guess thats weird..
Ich mag Nightcore , ein paar Typen , sondern vor allem langsameren Songs, die beschleunigt werden , da ihre orriginal Nachricht von etwas deprimierend , um etwas gehen kann ... hoffnungsvoll , in einem since..I denke

Arc @arc
commented on
Do you like NightCore ? [Ger]
Arc @arc
mein Favorit:

Rin @miarin
commented on
Do you like NightCore ? [Ger]
Rin @miarin

115 @siruboo
commented on
Do you like NightCore ? [Ger]
115 @siruboo
i listen to it at night sometimes

phay @phay
commented on
Do you like NightCore ? [Ger]
phay @phay
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