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What is the worst way you've ever been rejected?

@VeZeal yeah, that would be kinda rough. I had the same kinda situation in college. I liked this girl cause she was nerdy and my type. But she didn't like me at all in that sense. And even grew to dislike me. But I had no idea what I was doing. (still don't to be honest... since I've never really had a gf, I mean I did kinda but i don't count it.) Eventually I stopped caring. Turned out she had a lot of dad issues and let it destroy her inside so yeah.... >.> I still have her on steam though e.e haven't talked to her in like, 4 years.
No girl has ever straight up rejected me that I remember, but I hope this counts: There was this girl that fell in love with me a couple of years ago. Said she feel in love with me so fast in a short period of time. She ended up parting ways with me because she had an arranged marriage she had to go through with. I felt bad because it's still like that in some parts of the world. She was crying when she broke up with me and that was that. It was how things had to be. How they were meant to be. Still though, it ended on a pretty sad note.
A while back I tried to ask out a girl that I work with because I liked her and me and her were friends for a while. When I asked she said yes and got me excited about it. She then cancelled the whole thing and completely lied to me. I got over it and just dropped the whole thing. I tried to stay in contact but, she never tried to contact me at all anymore. I think that has to be the worst way I've been rejected because I absolutely hate being lied to.
in school everyone would say i had a crush on a girl, four girls in elementry school but they were like hell no. thats the closest lol
My big brother. I always stood up for him and on one occasion when he had to repeat a year I got so defensive and offensive that my father almost physically hurt me (he's the type who treats me like a princess and puts me on a pedestal as long as I act the way he wants me to.. but goes nuts if I don't) if not for the other people involved. He on the other hand ... when my grandmother verbally stabbed a knife through my heart and kept going although I was already on the floor crying she kept going he did nothing. He chilled on his bed 2 meters away. I've seen him in a different light ever since. But he does get very defensive over me whenever other guys are involved. He doesn't allow anyone of his own gender disrespect his sister, so there's that... but with family.. I dont know.
It was in prom. I asked her out with a pickup line that she didn't get, I gave her a compliment that she didn't understand and eventually spent the prom at home dancing to the opening theme of Saint Seiya wearing a tuxedo of embarrassment and shame. The punchline was she went to the prom with my best friend.
I can't really think of any that were very harsh. Mostly its "You're the kinda guy who I'd rather marry than date" or "If only you'd asked me a week ago. I have a boyfriend now." Maybe I should change my user name to Player 2. XD
@Chocopyro: I always thought of Luigi as the better of the two anyway.
Hmm worst would have to be middle school I asked a friend of mine to ask him if he liked me. Of cousre once you tell that one friend it somehow makes it around the whole classroom. I saw him ask a friend what he thought he was like nope an then he told my friend tell her no. Why would you need someone eles advice about a person you like. So my friend comes to tell me im like yea I know got the message. Well back then kids were mean so im assuming it had something to do with popularity or whatever. I never really asked out a boy again, although one time I did try again. I was a freshman in highschool he worked at an electronic store he kept dropping hints but would never ask for my number I was hoping he would but he couldnt work up the nerves an niether could I. I stood in the front door for like a good 10 minutes pacing trying to give my self encouragement to go back in an give him my number, apperently it just wasnt enough encouragment because I just gave up an left.
I used to get friend-zoned(still do somewhat). I used to be like Hank from "Cast Away" except screaming why instead of Wilson XD When that happens to me now I say cool then go on to the next person to start liking. I have better things to do than to drool over one person that treats me like a side thing.
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