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What is the worst way you've ever been rejected?

From time to time people experience approach anxiety or fear what will happen when they confess to someone. Most of the time these fears are unfounded and things will not go nearly as bad as the person imagines they will. Sometimes rejection can really sting though. So I invite you all to share those moments. Whether to get it off your shoulders or just because it's a funny story. So if you feel up to it let us know What is the worst rejection you've had?
It's actually very painful to bring up but I liked a guy in middle school, and I thought he liked me. We would sit next to each other in school and talk a lot. One day out of nowhere, with no explanation, he hit me with his shoe on the leg when we sat next to each other in PE. I was shocked and surprised, confused. But, I definitely felt rejected by this guy. Had I not been so emotionally hurt and embarrassed I probably would have fought back, but I didn't, and instead ran off and cried. Not to worry though, as we moved on to high school I got back at him... I don't regret it, but I do regret ever thinking such a horrible person would like me, and waste my time on them.
Thank you for sharing.People can be such assholes. I'm glad you don't regret it as well.
I guess I got off pretty easy. The worst way I've been rejected was the typical "I can't be in a relationship right now but maybe sometime in the future" cliché. In my book that means no. If someone wants to be in a relationship with you, they will find a way to make it happen. Any answer other than yes is a no. Some people just lack the courage to put it bluntly. :]
Oh boy... my worst and first rejection was when I was working part time at a home depot while going to school. There was a coworker I would talk to occasionally while at work, and I sorta fell for her. About a year and a half into the job or so I decided to just go for it, I presented an origami rose (pretty lame I know) and asked her if she wanted to go watch the new Man of Steel movie (she likes superman). Well she said yes and I treated her to a movie, treated her to some thai food, we talked a lot and it was a fun night. I texted that night saying how I had a good time and perhaps we could do it again sometime. 3 days go by with nothing... I was getting a bit worried when all of the sudden I receive a text saying how she can't really do that and "it's complicated". Eventually I learned she had just started going out with someone else that she had been talking to, and of course to make it worse it was a coworker. I worked there for another 6 months or so until I got another job, it was painful. I guess the moral of the story... think carefully before asking out a coworker.
Worst for me? Jeez... That would be back in college. I really liked this girl. I'd even say I loved her. And we had been close friends since about the time we started college. And I had it hard for her. Everyone around us thought we were together. Looked like it, aside for the fact we never kissed, you probably would think it too. But she was oblivious. Kind of slow. And didn't really understand things of a romantic nature. It took me almost a year to tell her how I felt. And it was rough. She didn't even realize I liked her. She always wondered why I told her friend (of whom I see as a younger sibling.) "I love you" in a sibling sense and not her. But she couldn't put the pieces together. And she just kept questioning me as to why. And that was just the first part of the rejection. A couple months later, it was summer break and I had decided to visit my cousin who lived relatively close by. And one night she calls me up saying she needed help with some math homework and you know, I decided to help her out a bit. And then she tells me that it wasn't the real reason she had called. The real reason being that her friend had been telling her to give it a shot with me. To see. And she was calling to tell me that, but that she couldn't do that. That she could only see me as a brother, and nothing else. Completely ruined my summer vacation and sent me in a downward spiral for several months. Later on she ended up dating a guy that I think is perfect for her. She even asked for my blessing in their relationship which was weird. But yeah. Sadly, I don't really talk to said person much anymore though.
When I was in 3rd grade I was madly in love with this girl. I even wrote her a Shakespeare poem in cursive on rose stationary (The one that starts out: Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? Thou art more lovely and temperate...) I wove her a bracelet but she didn't want it. Also she would never date me because she was embarrassed to be seen with me since I was such a weird nerdy kid.
i used to takee one on one drumming lessons back when i was 17 for a short while, i gave hints to my teacher thst i might like him, but then one day he mentioned he had a wife. The few classes i had after were quite awkard for me, so i just stopped playing.
Well mine wasn't anything too special. This was during my final year of high school, I remember this girl I liked who I always remember for her pretty green eyes. Before that year, I met her once before as part of a group joining with my friends for a festival and I think that's when I started to become attracted to her. I had trouble grasping all these feelings and ended up making a fool of myself, both because I was so awkward and because I didn't see the signs that she didn't like me in the slightest. Just thinking about it makes me cringe and wish that love was easier to understand. @miarin: That's too bad. Those drumming lessons sound like they could have been fun if you had kept at it.
i was bad at it anyways, i think many have gone through a similar situation as you VeZeal, and i don't think it will ever be..
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