
Renkenber @many
Renkenber @many
Well lately i have been thinking what to do with my life i don't have any thinking to go join the army and go in the armored core.That is the only thing that i want to do i have always been fascinated by tank so that's my best option

combatd @combatd
commented on
combatd @combatd
The best thing to do is to research about different careers, perhaps watching documentaries related to those fields and seek out volunteer or internship positions for what you like. The military as you already mentioned is always a good option, and it gets you a lot of benefits education wise after serving for four years.

DarkuSchneider @darkschneider
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DarkuSchneider @darkschneider
Nothing wrong with the military. Sometimes it takes a little exploration in the world to figure out your passions and talents. What I did before going to college was I worked as a temp and tried out all sorts of different kinds of jobs for a couple years. I had a better idea after that what to pursue in college and got more out of it it I think. These days there are so many great directions you can go the choices can be overwhelming. Figure out your passions and talents and dreams then make a plan to get there. One truth I have come to learn is: Do what you love and you will love what you do. What is hard work to others is effortless to you and you excel naturally because you love it. Good luck man.

115 @siruboo
commented on
115 @siruboo
ive wanted to go to mars since 2009 or something. this planet is too overpopulated

mrcannonier @mrcannonier
commented on
mrcannonier @mrcannonier
Personally.....I just went and did what I liked....I love cars and computers so I taught myself to fix car and I can also build computers.....I'm going to school for it but whatever you like(video games art anything) see if you can go through with that...if you can! Kudos! :3

Holyfok @holyfok
commented on
Holyfok @holyfok
Be sure to have a lot of will if you want to for combat trades training are really rough, dunno if it is for US army but oh well if you end up not liking armored go for a laid back trade like driver, clerk, supply and such if you want a good life go for air force

Veru @verucassault
commented on
Veru @verucassault
If you lack ambition, motivation, or inspiration DO NOT go into art or video game design. You will waste time and money on a piece of paper that has no real value.

Manga_bird @manga_bird
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Manga_bird @manga_bird
Look at your educational history, see what you did well and take a look at careers that tie in with that, could be the best option.

dogejackdaniels @dogejackdaniels
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dogejackdaniels @dogejackdaniels
Essay time!
So a few things.
- Your career does not need to be your life. It sure as hell is not mine.
- Deciding your future career based on idle interest is dangerous (unless you are a whimsical airhead genius type... in which case carry on).
- Deciding to go into the army under any circumstance... is a decision that should made after much deliberation. Weigh your talents.
To elaborate on point number 2, your expectations of what you think you will do, and what you will actually do, will often be wildly different if you go into the job world like this. Do some research.
So there are a few paths:
1. Choose a career based on something you really like, regardless of talent, ignore how harsh the lifestyle is for you in exchange for the results it brings and the certain tidbits of joy it gives you. This is kind of like some of idol animes or something. Doesn't necessarily pay well, but sometimes does. End driver can be anything you like (like money)... sometimes it doesn't pay at all, though (writing is an example, or entrepreneurship).
2. Choose something that is... not not exciting, but never really unpleasant (and sometimes pleasant), and is stable and pays decently. Live a comfortable life, don't experience massive ups and downs. Boring, but not unpleasant. You chose this because you had talent at it anyway, so it was easier.
3. Hateful, not necessarily hard but unfulfilling... but pays a hell of a lot of money. You hate every moment of it... but the cash. This is a person forcing himself into some of the corporate politics and management world when he has the talent (or sometimes no talent, which sucks even worse) but not the willpower.
I chose number 2, though I had talent for writing. I had some talent in most educational fields, so I did end up choosing my specialization on a whim, because I liked computers. I didn't hate Computer Engineering much, though. I liked coding and logic circuits, though I hated analog ones.
You basically have to weigh:
- Who are you as a person? Passionate? Cynical and apathetic?
- Do you like stress?
- How do you deal with stress?
- Where do your talents lie?
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