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Yellow Otaku @yellowotaku
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Yellow Otaku @yellowotaku
Thanks for the request

e_bon @e_bon
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e_bon @e_bon
Привет товарищ!
Вы перевести на CCCP?

Tri Tri <3 @tritri23
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Tri Tri <3 @tritri23
Hi hi thanx for the add!
Just wanted to say something

mrcannonier @mrcannonier
Just wanted to say something
mrcannonier @mrcannonier
I love anime....for a lot of is because I can escape reality and forget about bills and people and all that. It helps me helps me live....and it helps me love.....I've been though a lot in life...I had lost my dad when I was 13....I was cheated on twice.....I was emotionally abused in my second relationship (which then she cheated on me) sometimes I cannot feel....I don't even feel like I'm a person....but I have friends....and I have family....and a lot of you guys as well....Everyone on here is nice kind and welcoming....and I wanna say thank you all so much for being as accepting as you are! I love you all! Feel free to add me and message me! I always love talking to new people!

mrcannonier @mrcannonier
commented on
mrcannonier @mrcannonier
Personally.....I just went and did what I liked....I love cars and computers so I taught myself to fix car and I can also build computers.....I'm going to school for it but whatever you like(video games art anything) see if you can go through with that...if you can! Kudos! :3