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Decided to switch to single, was it the right choice?

To make a long story short, basically I went into a long distance relationship with a girl I know about 4 months ago... everything started out fine, we did phone calls and skype calls regularly, played games together, all that good stuff. Eventually I took time off work and took a 9 hour drive down to visit. We finally met and it was all exciting and cool. When I got back from my visit things were still cool... for about a week. Skype calls got very scarce (like once every 1-2 weeks) and she hardly responded to anything. Her excuse was she is working a lot more and is always tired. This went on for a little over two months. After so long I got fed up and decided to break up... Almost two weeks later a friend of mine who's friends with both of us tells me she's all upset and he wanted to put us in a call. This happens and she doesn't sound upset at all, just annoyed at the situation. In any case I gave her a second chance... A little over a week later it's my birthday. More than half a day gone nothing. I decided to bring it up and she's like "it's your birthday??" I couldn't believe it. We told each other this stuff forever ago. She promised a skype call that night and no surprise, it never happened. Back to practically being ignored. Something I would also like to note is that she never wanted to add me on Facebook. I know people have reasons but she never really gave me one. I felt somewhat hidden throughout the relationship. Decided to officially end it once and for all.. I mean that can't be normal right? Don't people in relationships talk like almost daily? Should I have been more patient to see where it went?
Her actions sound a little furtive and odd. I think you were right for breaking up with her, maybe you couldve probed a little more prior but it seems like she just got over it or something came up that she felt was more pertinent.
If you're unhapphy or unsatisfied in any way by her actions.. which probably won't change, then move on. I personally don't like adding anyone but friends and family to my facebook, but, that's just me. I honestly believe you should do what makes you happy.
No, I agree with your actions. The key is that you USED to talk on a regular basis and that changed. If she lost interest to the point where she was not keeping up conversations, replying in kind, forgetting things like your birthday, etc... You were right to give up on this relationship. It is one of my pet peeves to always be the one to start a conversation and be ignored and whatnot. And that is with any relationship (romantic or friendship) Unless the person tells me ahead of time they have finals coming up and are studying madly, or are camping or flying and so away from technology, I will be upset at not talking for several days... on both ends, I might be happy and wanna share, sad and want to be comforted, angry and wanna vent... AND likewise I would wanna hear about how she is doing. The lack of communication, lack of effort in contacting you after a promise means you were not a priority for her. As for a reason she would not add you on Facebook there are a variety of reasons. 1. She is worried if relationship doesn't work out, the news will be public and people would harass her. 2. She is worried about her appearance. (This may be for others, but not in this case because you two met in person) Just keep this in mind for future girls you meet. 3. I don't like to accuse her of this, but it is a possibility... She is talking to another guy there and doesnt want you to know. It may seem convoluted but it's possible, happened to my best female friend who got cheated on when her bf said he quit FB to focus on school and work, only to set up a different account and talk to another gal... Not to make a Paranoid Pete of you, but that is also something to be considered... Ararara I went on a rant... Sorry for going on so long... But yo story hit home in ways you can't imagine and I got passionate. Good luck to you sir!
To me it sounds like you did the right thing. She didn't seem to care that much so it only makes sense to end it. Then again, I've never been in a relationship so I'm probably not the best guy to ask.
It's sad, but you did the right thing. It sounds like she was afraid of commitment from the start. It's not like she doesn't like you, it's that she realized how hard a long distance relationship was. It's not for everybody.
Dude, It was smart to break up. No want's to be in a relationship where they are a second thought. Those your problem was ever talking to her again. I mean she already kind of did not like you then you broke up so she most likely hated you. So talking again was just stupid. Never get with a ex, brake up once it is over and done. It's only going to go down hill from there. people don't change they just get worst.
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