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Cat Shit One

I don't know how many people have seen this OVA, but if you have please agree... Awesome!! Cute bunny's with friggen special forces training. It is like ninja turtles....... except with rockets, rifles, knives, and BUNNYS!
Not to mention, the bad guys are camels. I never liked camels... just sayin.
LOVED Cat Shit One! Wish they would've made more. It was surprisingly intense for an OVA about bunnies fighting camels.
Lol, i have watched it a few times. I am in agreement, i wish they had the budget to make a series of missions like that. To see a bunny double tap enemies or screw on a silencer to a pistol and take out 5 bad guys in a room without anyone knowing is sheer awesome =)
Nov 13, 15 at 9:19pm
For a second there I thought I was back in 2010 again.
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