I'm surprised no one posted this!!!

J.A.M. @joseph87mar
I'm surprised no one posted this!!!
J.A.M. @joseph87mar
Out of control' cop filmed throwing girl across classroom in shocking video is sacked!!!
So what's your thought on this.
To Me, this cop had no right of doing that crap. Why they call the cops. Police have no authority over teens. Parents are the authority. That's like saying a cop has more right to do child abuse there then parents. That is BS. No one does.

neeto @neet_one
commented on
I'm surprised no one posted this!!!
neeto @neet_one
Looks like a perfectly reasonable response to a person not handing over their cellphone.

Sub @sub
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I'm surprised no one posted this!!!
Sub @sub
In my opinion the police officers response was over the top. Regardless of what the girl was doing / not doing his force was not proportionate he literally threw a child across the room. This is why the cop has lost his job. They can expect a lawsuit as well.
What I have been seeing recently that disgusts me is people are making it into a race issue with no evidence to suggest it.

xypho @xypho
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I'm surprised no one posted this!!!
xypho @xypho
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Jinsei @jinsei
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I'm surprised no one posted this!!!
Jinsei @jinsei
Well in general these kids tend to get mouthy with adults anyway. You can check youtube to find plenty of footage where some young punk thinks he or she is the shit only for them to be put in their place.
In this case with this officer, a physical escalation was not required. If they disobey, you can wait them out. You can get the parent. There are plenty of tactics where you will get your way. But because this individual has psychological issues he sparks up a media storm.

xxx @__removed_uguubox
commented on
I'm surprised no one posted this!!!
xxx @__removed_uguubox
this dude needs to be arrested

DarkuSchneider @darkschneider
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I'm surprised no one posted this!!!
DarkuSchneider @darkschneider
What a stupid cop, can't keep his cool with a disobedient kid. Technically by the time he was called it was not about the phone anymore and he ordered her to leave the class with him which is technically as soft state of arrest in some states. Obviously he escalated force when it was not needed as he was not in any danger.
The school is even dumber for not calling the parents first which would have likely been enough to settle it. Who wants their parents to show up to school and discipline them in front of everyone?

Luxus @superluxus
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I'm surprised no one posted this!!!
Luxus @superluxus
I agree with Sub on this one. Normally I would bother commenting, but I feel strongly about this. The use of force is not completely warranted. But if you look at the video, she does in fact throw a punch as well as kick her leg at the office. The media is clearly race baiting in this case. Did you guys know many students walked out of class after the firing of the officer if support of him getting his job back. Think about that. The students are black, and they don't think he should have been fired. Officer Fields was well known and liked by the community. But you will not hear a single word of this protest from the liberal media. There has to be a point where we stop looking at the negative images thrown out to the public and look at the positives that are being done.
Police officers are a tremendous thing and do a great service to this great country we live in. They put their lives on the line every single day. Every traffic stop is a near death experience. They never known if the occupants are wanted felons or carrying guns. I've seen videos of cops making routine traffic stops and someone pulling out a gun and shooting them blank range. These men and women have loved ones at home, they have families, they never know if today may be their last day on Earth. They have an incredibly tough job, and judgemental and race baiting people are making it much more difficult then it needs to be. Blue lives matter just as much as black, and white, and any other color. It's not about race, it's about respect. So please stop hating police officers for attempting to do their job.

xynox @xynox
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I'm surprised no one posted this!!!
xynox @xynox
It doesn't matter whether or not she punched or insulted him, his behaviour is unacceptable. She's a young woman and he's a grown adult man. Not only are the physical power levels completely different, he's in a representative position. All I see is some dude abusing his authority. Nothing new sadly.

xypho @xypho
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I'm surprised no one posted this!!!
xypho @xypho
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