Too old?

Bunnyman @taiyou
Too old?
Bunnyman @taiyou
What is considered too old for you? Most don't consider younger AS MUCH a problem. But when is the point where instead of going after "older" becomes too old/creepy?

neeto @neet_one
commented on
Too old?
neeto @neet_one
I think I might be a bit too old as is for online anime communities where the average age is around 16-22. Wouldn't be surprised if I'm already seen as being a creepy old dude here. Call me arrogant but I'd like to think I was a prize catch at one point, but waited too long and let my expiration date pass. Kinda like finding a new car from 1996, no one who's looking for a new car would care if it has no miles because it's not in date.
As for how I feel about my age myself, I too feel I'm a bit too old in general. Too old to start up meaningful relationships that is. Everyone dates and has fun during their teens and early 20s, but at my age everyone's starting families and people who are single at this point often already have kids, are horribly out of shape, or are in the process of running laps around the block (if you know what I mean) while gathering up baggage and are looking for someone to carry it for them the rest of the way. Needless to say I don't want to deal with that mess and don't feel I should have to. Kinda feels like I'm being punished for sitting on the side lines too long but that's just how things are really. Can't be helped.
I honestly hate being as old as I am and don't even like acknowledging my age because I feel younger than I am and don't even know where those years went. Unfortunately age isn't something anyone can really do anything about, it's just a fact of life.
I almost got involved with a girl who was nearly 10 years younger than me a while back and while I was already uncomfortable with the age gap as it was, she'd occasionally poke fun of how old I was(just kidding around not mean spirited) and it honestly made me feel pretty shitty. After that learning experience I think I can't be with someone who's more than five years younger than myself, it would just be too weird and awkward.

Usagi Eri @lordelricsama
commented on
Too old?
Usagi Eri @lordelricsama
Older you are the more wiser. There are young people who are into older guys. I believe it works on both ends of spectrum. Love is unique, you are never too old or to young to love.
Most don't consider younger AS MUCH a problem.
Changing Post:
Too young?
What is considered too young for you? Most don't consider older AS MUCH a problem. But when is the point where instead of going after "younger" becomes too pedophilish/creepy?

Bunnyman @taiyou
commented on
Too old?
Bunnyman @taiyou
*shrug* didntbwant to do a too young post as I already seen that in a thread... So was curious about the opposite...

Usagi Eri @lordelricsama
commented on
Too old?
Usagi Eri @lordelricsama
Well here's a dun history about me. My dad was 91 my mom is like 55. But during the baby boomer time when everyone started having messes. Like loving someone younger then you wasn't even considered weird back in the day.
Now if you're talking this generation. people would think a gap of 10+ Is weird. But f*** what other people think, its your love life who cares what other people think, if both of you love each other that's how it rolls.

neeto @neet_one
commented on
Too old?
neeto @neet_one
>f*** what other people think,
You'll care when that young girl's father bashes your head in with a baseball bat.

Usagi Eri @lordelricsama
commented on
Too old?
Usagi Eri @lordelricsama
It happens, protective fathers are common. If the father doesn't respect his own girls wishes. Then there is a problem. Anyone Blue Jays lost.
>baseball bad :)

115 @siruboo
commented on
Too old?
115 @siruboo
depends on the people. if there good people and there good with eachother ten years difference isnt bad

Half Baked Hikki @halfbakedhikki
commented on
Too old?
Half Baked Hikki @halfbakedhikki
>Older you are the more wiser.
Not necessarily. Seen plenty of old folks that are fucking imbeciles. Hell, just look at American politicians... :P

Arc @arc
commented on
Too old?
Arc @arc
my parent's age is just too old for me
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