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How to Cope With Being Single?

This is simple just remember the simpler times when you did not have a relationship in the first place. Remember when you were not so dependent on another person to get through the day. However in my experience to cope with being single, just remember that you have friends they you can rely on for those tough moments when you feel as though all hope is lost. That is of course assuming you aren't the type to ditch your friends because your in a relationship.
I can't help but wonder why so many people are single on a dating website. A lot of you are great people and I see you guys post good advice every now and again, but have been single since you've made accounts. I don't mean to critique, but is this site helping anyone?
Sora's got a good point. If so many of us posting here are miserable single, maybe some of us should start pairing off? I mean, to a certain extent, I get that social awkwardness runs deep in the anime community and people are scared to approach, but let's be real: We've got nothing to lose and everything to gain by just giving it a try.
Oct 28, 15 at 5:06pm
its mostly guys were i live. Trying to get togther from far apart is not easy
This shouldn't even be an issue to be frank. Regardless of how you depreciate your worth you still have worth to your family and you will mean the world to someone that loves you someday. I also feel like this at times but usually that thought of it being temporal straightens me out. You should just work on your self-esteem instead of worrying about something that's out of your control. You got to love yourself before you can love someone else otherwise you are just half-assing it and that guy or girl doesn't need to put up with that; and if they do you are lucky and they are good, you got to be good back to them by loving yourself. I sound cliché but it's true so take it how you like.
jerk off a lot
Honestly I feel that way too... I'm single for almost 2 years i think again..I definitely feel like the second in everyone's life, so i can relate to that. only had 1 real relationship that was 4 months long (my longest relationship) (T~T) For me i keep myself busy with my hobbies and of course my closest friend. I also try not to think of it that much. :3
You know tbh it is fun having a relationship but think its more fun being single cos wat if he/she begans being cold and break up u know wat u would definitely cry and asking why did this happened and the thing is u wasted ur time with her/him just enjoy ur single life and just wait for the right ones.
Oct 31, 15 at 8:12am
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Not to be disparaging, but I feel like it's a really sad state of affairs when people start trying to make a case for the single life being better because there's no chance of the relationship failing. What you're basically saying is that the sheer possibility of dating a person you might not spend the rest of your life with means that it's better to -not- try and to just be lonely, miserable, and feel like nobody really cares about you while you -wait- for the right one to come along. Nobody -wants- to be in a relationship that fails, but if everyone were as paranoid about that as some of the people in this thread, nobody would ever get anywhere with love. This is a platitude. This is something people tell other people when they don't have a genuine interest in helping someone deal with the -real- problem, but -do- have a genuine interest in making -themselves- feel good by saying something that sounds nice, but is ultimately meaningless and doesn't help anyone. Also, consider that, if getting into a relationship suddenly means you can't do the stuff you want to do anymore, you've gotten into the wrong relationship.
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