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How to Cope With Being Single?

I wish I could have a girlfriend who will be there for me but unfortunately I have nobody who will. until then I am alone I cry almost every night but if there is that special girl out there I will be there for her.
Nov 05, 15 at 1:11pm
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There's not much. I hit rock bottom at some point. Mainly when the girl I loved more than anything left me. Now I'm single and can't find anyone that I bond with as much as I did with her but. Misery loves company, surround yourself with friends and always keep yourself distracted.
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Love my music, i guess thats an escape >.>
Nov 07, 15 at 8:31am
I cope by crying in my wardrobe with a magazine and a box of trojans
heartache huh... i've been in love with the same girl for 20 years -_- don't tell me about heart ache T_T... we met in third grade and i could never tell her how i felt after moving away i'm just hoping and waiting for the day we meet again T_T
Nov 07, 15 at 12:38pm
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