Being too nice a bad thing?

Forgotten King @bugboy
Being too nice a bad thing?
Forgotten King @bugboy
So someone told me recently (outside of MO) that I'm TOO NICE and it's a turn off. She said it wont get me anywhere being nice to people, because they take advantage of it. She also said that if you're too nice, relationships/friendships wont last.
I was raised to be kind and respectful to others. I open doors for women and smile when I pass them. So what do you guys think, is being too nice these days a bad thing? Is being nice a thing of the past?

카덴자 @sdcadenza
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Being too nice a bad thing?
카덴자 @sdcadenza
This account has been suspended.

Ginseng @desu
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Being too nice a bad thing?
Ginseng @desu
Be considerate of others, and be nice, but that doesn't mean you should be a pushover. (Not that you are, I'm just saying not to be one.)
If you're too nice, you come off with the same vibe that a piece of plain tofu does. Sure, there's nothing wrong with it and it's probably good for you, but you probably want something with more spice, or flavour!
I can't remember where I was going with this, but tl;dr don't be a piece of tofu. Be the best damn taco you can be.

Lamby @momoichi
commented on
Being too nice a bad thing?
Lamby @momoichi
I'm kind to everyone and it hasn't bitten me yet (except when a guy thinks I'm flirting....)

Flamette @flamette
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Being too nice a bad thing?
Flamette @flamette
That girl is messed up.
ITS HARD TO FIND NICE MAN TODAY! I love dark/bad boys, but deep down they have a heart of gold..they are hard to find today!

Elz @enerezu
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Being too nice a bad thing?
Elz @enerezu
Being too nice makes you a push-over... been there done that...:/

Sub @sub
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Being too nice a bad thing?
Sub @sub
The problem is people can perceive kindness as weakness. They think that because you are willing to go out of your way to help other people you are a pushover.
I don't want to say that you should not be kind to others but make sure you are being kind to yourself by taking into account your own interests first.

Sonic @sonicspinner
commented on
Being too nice a bad thing?
Sonic @sonicspinner
I feel like she means people taking advantage of you more than you being respectful to others. Perhaps she doesn't feel you can stand up for yourself which could be a turn off for her.
I don't think it's a turn off so much as it is frustrating to deal with, but that's probably because my dad is the biggest pushover I've ever met. It's so bad that even his younger brothers take advantage of him (usually for money). It gets really tiring to constantly tell him to stop going out of the way for people who don't even give two shits about him but regardless of what any of us say he never changes his behavior.
But yeah, don't stop being courteous or nice to people. Just consider when doing favors for others if they would do the same for you.

Jinsei @jinsei
commented on
Being too nice a bad thing?
Jinsei @jinsei
I've been called too nice plenty of times. As long as your not naïve, stay too nice. You'll get more from it than being any other way. Live's a centathlon not a sprint.
If she's turned on by people who aren't nice then it says more about her than you.

Lamby @momoichi
commented on
Being too nice a bad thing?
Lamby @momoichi
No such thing as too nice, it's not the persons problem it's the people around them
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