What is the most traumatizing fucked up Anime you ever saw

devy_12 @devy_12
What is the most traumatizing fucked up Anime you ever saw
devy_12 @devy_12
Elfen lied was just wrong on so many levels lol

Lamby @momoichi
commented on
What is the most traumatizing fucked up Anime you ever saw
Lamby @momoichi
As a kid I would stay up and watch anime in Cartoon Network, and for some reason the ending of fooly cooly and the op to ghost in the shell scared the shit out of me as a kid... But no Gorey animes ever really freaked me out.
Oohhh maybe paranoia agent.....was too young to watch that lol

Holyfok @holyfok
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What is the most traumatizing fucked up Anime you ever saw
Holyfok @holyfok
Higurashi would be the one since I didnt had the episode I just saw people dying and come back in the next episode has if nothing happened, plus some death scenes are rather disturbing

neeto @neet_one
commented on
What is the most traumatizing fucked up Anime you ever saw
neeto @neet_one
There's an anime that's pretty popular that I don't even want to say the name of. To say I detest it would be an understatement. I can't stand seeing it even mentioned and whenever I come across images from it I adblock them immediately. Back when it aired I got into a lot of arguments about it and alienated a lot of people I knew. Often times if I'm with a group and they start talking about it I'll leave, which in itself was bugging some people but it can't be helped. seemed like a better option than sticking around and eventually getting into a argument. I've know a few who think the series is pretty fucked up too but most people treat it like the best thing ever. These days I don't toss fits/rants about it like I used to, but I'd be lying if I said I don't look at fans of it to this day with a little bit of disgust.

ฅ(=^・ェ・^=)ฅ Vintage_Neko @vampire_neko
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What is the most traumatizing fucked up Anime you ever saw
ฅ(=^・ェ・^=)ฅ Vintage_Neko @vampire_neko
Nothing traumatized me since I was super jaded already but a list:
Mirai Nikki
Kodomo no Jikan
Boku no Pico
Deadman Wonderland
Corpse Party
Elfen Lied

Wagen @ivo
commented on
What is the most traumatizing fucked up Anime you ever saw
Wagen @ivo
Midori: Shoujo Tsubaki
I've watched a lot of anime, but seriously, this thing was so disgusting/disturbing that I'll go insane if I watch it again...

Arc @arc
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What is the most traumatizing fucked up Anime you ever saw
Arc @arc
I still see the flashbacks. Oh God, it's just slapping up and down. Why? Why? Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

♛King_Frost♛ @king_fr0st
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What is the most traumatizing fucked up Anime you ever saw
♛King_Frost♛ @king_fr0st
^ saw this from my feed.....The horror...The Mindbending horror!

Wagen @ivo
commented on
What is the most traumatizing fucked up Anime you ever saw
Wagen @ivo
Boku no Pico, man? lol XD
Watch Natsuyasumi, there's a boy who looks like Coco. X)

Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
commented on
What is the most traumatizing fucked up Anime you ever saw
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
Boku no pico ;-; then yosuga no sora on account of how bad it was
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