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Dreams? o-o;

Aug 31, 15 at 9:11pm
I'm probably the only loser here who keeps a dream journal o-o;.. but hey! Here is an amusing topic! What has been YOUR most vividly powerful dream you have experienced so far? And isn't it sad to know that we forget most of our dreams? http://33.media.tumblr.com/94810e200b184de7b3eb350ba82f421d/tumblr_meq5k6m4pI1r9az4fo1_r1_500.gif
Aug 31, 15 at 9:16pm
My dreams are so badass. Recently, I had an inFamous-Need For Speed related dream where I was a Conduit with Neon powers racing a Lamborghini Hurracan! ~T http://www.stealthybox.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/infamous-second-son_review_neon.png.png
Aug 31, 15 at 9:18pm
@Teslan Whoa.. i don't know what to say. Thats pretty radical ? xDD http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140209113852/cardfight/images/2/2c/Thumbs_up.jpg
Aug 31, 15 at 9:22pm
There's also a sense of nostalgia and omnipotence in my dreams. All badassery aside, when I'm in my dreams I feel like I'm "almost there". I can't explain it. http://media.giphy.com/media/HZboJ5Pkti9k4/giphy.gif
i dont remember any thats recent but the last one i remember was when i went to visit my dad cause my mom left me and my siblings with him he had like this skeleton dog thingy that he had to feed the flesh of his first born. and there were necromorphs (like the ones from dead space) everywhere my sibling and i decided we had to gang up on him and get him before he could feed me to the dog (which i dont understand cause im not even the first born i have an older half sister)
Arc @arc commented on Dreams? o-o;
Aug 31, 15 at 10:07pm
The most powerful dream I've had? Well there was this one time where I [content removed] and all three of them [content removed] at the same time. Then I proceeded [content removed] until she [content removed] googly eyes [content removed] and it was just all over the place.
Aug 31, 15 at 10:26pm
My dreams typically play out like horror/disaster movies. Usually there's a handful of people struggling to survive while some threat slowly kills them off. Sometimes it's a natural disaster, sometimes it's a monster. Normally I don't see myself in my dreams, usually it's people I don't know. Everything's normally from a cinematic camera like perspective. One example would be a laboratory at the bottom of the ocean getting attacked by a massive sea monster with scientists trying to make their way to the exists as everything falls apart around them. Another involved a mars expedition in which the crew discovers life in the form of large bat like objects that attack the crew. Most recent one I remember involved someone stumbling around in an old shipping depot and finding his way into an old hidden cavern and unknowing setting free an ancient demon of some sort followed by it's battle with a secret origination that's been preparing for it's return.
Aug 31, 15 at 10:27pm
I've had wonderful dreams, I've dreamt with horror characters such as Chuki lol I've had dreams in which I fly, I fight, I have powers, I do a lot of interesting fun, is like living on a seinen/shonen manga lol. However not all of my dreams are like that... the most vivid dreams I have had can also be considered as paranormal stuff.
Princes and princesses.. https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/ac/22/51/ac2251e7b3f5b17b78ef8223eac85395.jpg
I almost never remember my dreams. :( Like, only 3-5 in a year or so.
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