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Los Angeles

Jun 30, 12 at 1:28am
Oh, and I'm also going to be kind of homemade-looking because my mom got tired of all the work and she's going to make me wear BLACK boots for Korra. D: Even though we have the material to change the color, it's too much for her now. :( OH WELL. >:D SUMMER KORRA WEARS BLACK BOOTS~
Jun 30, 12 at 1:31pm
haha yea she likes to switch it up a bit, her brown boots are sooooooo last season lol. You should say that if people make a comment lol.
Jul 01, 12 at 1:20am
LOL nobody made a comment. :D And I had to switch out to blue Nikes and dark blue short shorts. Thank goodness I've maintained my runner's legs. :D They served me well in attracting lots of stares and pictures. >.>
Jul 01, 12 at 3:44am
oh good :), lol. I didnt get to go. My mom scheduled me a dentsits appointment, then i got stuck in traffic and missed it, then she said she wouldnt be able to take me because she spent so much money on her car today. Im still sad though :( lol.
Jul 03, 12 at 7:32am
@rednightmare: oh cool! Im new here. How long have you been here?
Jul 03, 12 at 7:35am
@kingspart22: its great that your from there :), i miss it there, its much more convienient to get around there lol
Jul 03, 12 at 1:11pm
Hey hey~ I'm a local LA person! Came back from AX and it sure was frustrating with all the event line caps. Other than that, I thought it was pretty fun. Ended up broke like every year lol. I was cosplaying 3/4 days.
Jul 03, 12 at 2:25pm
D: You went all four days? Lucky~~~~~~~ Thinking of going next year?
Jul 04, 12 at 5:50am
Heck yeah! I've been going since 2005 haha! If I joined this site sooner, I woulda checked out the meet up. Not sure if you noticed but I was in a cosplay with a group of yankees/banchos
Jul 07, 12 at 2:47am
I missed it :/. Im going next year though :).
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