what would you choose??? your trusted friends or your new profound love???:/

Elz @enerezu
what would you choose??? your trusted friends or your new profound love???:/
Elz @enerezu
Uhmm here's the thing... I just met someone, but my friends don't like him...
We argued then they make me choose between them or him...
This situation has happened to me before, I chose friendship but I became sad... What will I do now? I think history has repeat itself...:(

Teslan @tthedragon
commented on
what would you choose??? your trusted friends or your new profound love???:/
Teslan @tthedragon
Why didn't your friends like him?
If it's some, "Oh, girl, you can do better!" bullshite, then give boy a haaaaaand~

❀Sunflower❀ @sunflower
commented on
what would you choose??? your trusted friends or your new profound love???:/
❀Sunflower❀ @sunflower
Well it really depends on your point of view.Do you think your friends are the type of people who give good advice? Do you always agree with what they ate saying?Or do you and your new profound love know each other for a long time enough for you to completely trust his words? In the end it's your decision, you don't have to pick a side, just stick to which what you think

Lamby's moth mommy @horrormanga21
commented on
what would you choose??? your trusted friends or your new profound love???:/
Lamby's moth mommy @horrormanga21
My best friend just had a break up but while he was with this person she turned him against me then I got pissed and confronted them and he chose her side but it turned out she was a cheating whore and when she got busted guess who he asked for help I was harsh with him cause he hurt me but I did forgive him

Spoooooky4Lulu @guardian_azrael
commented on
what would you choose??? your trusted friends or your new profound love???:/
Spoooooky4Lulu @guardian_azrael
Well if it was someone I just met vs my closest friend of 8 years, I'd choose my friend. No question. I've known my friend for way longer, and I'd rather not ruin my friendship over someone I just met. Someone else will hopefully come around that will cause less problems. And to be honest, I wouldn't want to be with the person if they're going to make me choose between them or my friend.

neeto @neet_one
commented on
what would you choose??? your trusted friends or your new profound love???:/
neeto @neet_one
Fist instinct is to go with love, but love can screw with a person's judgement. If your friends all say there's something wrong with him then you might wanna at least hear them out and not do something you may regret. Remember that your friends just want what's best for you.
I once got involved with a girl that my friends, family, and coworkers(who didn't even like me) told me I should avoid. They were all completely right and I'm glad things didn't go very far with her in the end.

xueli @xueli
commented on
what would you choose??? your trusted friends or your new profound love???:/
xueli @xueli
It depends on what my friends have to say about him and whether I think what they say has any truth to it.

(笑)anigamer99(笑) @anigamer1999
commented on
what would you choose??? your trusted friends or your new profound love???:/
(笑)anigamer99(笑) @anigamer1999
I've told my friends to never make me choose between them or anyone else because the ones who force me to choose will most likely be the ones I will leave.
However if they provide me with solid reasoning I would reconsider.

Sub @sub
commented on
what would you choose??? your trusted friends or your new profound love???:/
Sub @sub
To be honest, it comes down to what you feel is right. Never let someone else decide what you want to do.
That being said if they are warning you that someone is dangerous etc then you should probably take note. Although I would imagine that good friends would support you regardless of your choice.

B. @verflucht
commented on
what would you choose??? your trusted friends or your new profound love???:/
B. @verflucht
No matter what you think, you never know your friends inside and out, and knowing someone for a certain length of time doesn't make them any more or less important, all that matters if they are someone you are truly bonded with, make sure you listen to both stories, way them in your heart, and pick whoever you want, also true friends would never make you choose between them and someone else, its selfish, you... Unless they are bat shit crazy
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